Quality Assurance &  Enhancement Committee

Academic Council Committees

Quality Assurance & Enhancement Committee

The remit is to consider policy matters and practice relating to teaching, learning and assessment and the enhancement of the student experience, including equality and diversity, and to develop and appraise the effectiveness of the University’s quality assurance processes and mechanisms for maintaining the academic standards.

Convener: Professor Lynn Kilbride, Vice-Principal for Student Experience and Academic Development
Secretary: Ms Louisa Barry, Academic Quality Officer

Membership, Remit and Composition

The Remit and Composition of the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee are contained in Organisational Regulation O4, Schedule 4.3



  • 21 May 2024
  • 3 October 2024
  • 12 November 2024
  • 4 March 2025
  • 20 May 2025

All meetings will commence at 14:00 on campus in N204, Sir Ian Wood Building.

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