Equality & Diversity Policy

Equality & Diversity

Equality & Diversity Policy

It is the policy of the University to promote equality and diversity in employment, student and external interaction, and to eradicate discrimination on unlawful or unfair grounds.

Equality & Diversity Policy

The University believes that the most effective way to promote equality and to eradicate discrimination is to mainstream the consideration of equality across its functions.  In this respect, the University expects all employees, students and visitors to the University to have an individual duty to ensure that equality and diversity is actively promoted.

The policy has been developed by the Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee and Equality and Diversity Forum (which comprises equality champions for each of the equality protected characteristics as well as staff and student representatives); in consultation with locally recognised trade unions.

It covers both staff and students and sets out clear roles and responsibilities for groups and individuals across our university community.   In particular:

  • The Principal and Vice-Chancellor
  • The Executive
  • Convener, Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee
  • Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee (EDSC)
  • Equality and Diversity Champions
  • Senior Managers
  • Line Managers
  • Individuals

The only exception to this Policy is where there are compelling legal imperatives or where there is considered to be a breach of University regulations.

Inclusivity Statement

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ strives towards creating a working, learning and social atmosphere which is inclusive and harmonious. 

The university will achieve this by:

  • meeting the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duties and the Scottish Specific Duties for Equality;
  • embracing a positive attitude towards the promotion of equality on the basis of age; culture; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion and belief; sex and sexual orientation to ensure all reach their full potential;
  • further embedding equality and diversity into both academic and non-academic induction and training courses;
  • being prepared to understand that fairness and equality of opportunity is not always about treating people similarly, but can sometimes mean treating people differently;
  • acknowledging and celebrating the breadth of experiences and perspectives that people from diverse backgrounds bring to the life of the university; and
  • eliminating discrimination and prejudice by empowering people to treat each other with respect.

Athena Swan

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ is committed to embedding and mainstreaming equality, diversity, and inclusion across its functions. The university is committed to the Athena Swan Charter principles. Athena Swan is a framework supporting and transforming gender equality within higher education (HE) and research.

Achieving our aims

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