Adrian Bannister

Adrian Bannister
Adrian graduated from RGIT with a Degree in Business Studies and then joined EY in Aberdeen where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1988.

Adrian graduated from RGIT with a Degree in Business Studies and then joined EY in Aberdeen where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1988.

Following a period working in the profession supporting a variety of industries across the UK, he returned from London and moved into industry.

Joining the Board of Sparrows Offshore in 1995 as Chief Financial Officer he has held a series of similar strategic executive and non-executive roles across variety of Oilfield Services enterprises. 

For the past 25 years Adrian has specialised in financial roles supporting established and new start, largely Private Equity backed entrepreneurial businesses to grow and internationalise.  

A graduate of the Common Purpose Matrix and 2020 programmes and has been a Member of Council of St Margaret’s School for Girls since 2011.

Adrian is married with 3 children and lives in Aberdeen.

Register of Interests

All positions, appointments, employment etc (whether remunerated or not) held with any other organisation:

  • Kerloch Energy Ltd - Director

Details of any self employed business, consultancy or other activities you are engaged in, whether remunerated or not, or for other reward or gains:

  • Kerloch Energy Ltd - Director

Details of any contractual or financial/non-financial relationship (including Directorship, Partnership, Consultancy, Board Membership, other Appointments or position of authority or influence, whether paid or unpaid,) with any other company, public authority or service or any other organisation, or any other position you have that would or could enable you to influence the award of a contract or allow you to benefit financially:

  • Kerloch Energy Ltd - Director

Details of any ownership of land or property or other holdings within Aberdeen (other than main family home) that may be directly or indirectly affected by any known or prospective estate development plan in the vicinity of the city centre campus or the Garthdee campus:

  • None

Details of any other interests or matters of equivalence to any of the above:

  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accounts of Scotland.

Details where the interests of any close relative may require to be declared:

  • None

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