Colin Hunter - Chair

Colin Hunter
Colin retired from General Medical Practice in June 2018 after 33 years as a Partner at Skene Medical Group, Westhill.

He was Chairman of Scottish Council of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) from 1996 to 2000 where he led a programme of quality improvement and quality assurance in general medical practice. He was awarded an OBE for services to Primary Care in 2000.

He was Hon Treasurer for the RCGP from 2003 to 2012 saw major change and growth moving from an income of £16m to over £40m together with the purchase of a significant HQ building in London.

The RCGP created a separate Trustee Board in 2012 and Colin assumed the role as the Chair of Trustees, a position which he held until November 2018.

Colin is currently a Trustee of three other charities, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Drinkaware and St Margaret's Trust Braemar.

He and his wife Fiona now reside in Braemar enjoying the Cairngorms and activities in the local community.

Register of Interests

All positions, appointments, employment etc (whether remunerated or not) that you hold with any other organisation:

  • Trustee Drinkaware (non-remunerated)
  • Trustee St Margaret’s Trust Braemar (non remunerated)
  • Trustee Committee of University Chairs (CUC)
  • Chair Committee Scottish Chairs (non remunerated)
  • Secretary/Treasurer Braemar Junior Highland Games (non remunerated)
  • Non-Executive Director of the Highland Games Visitor Centre Braemar 

Details of any self-employed business, consultancy or other activities you are engaged in, whether remunerated or not, or for other reward or gains:

  • None

Details of any contractual or financial/non-financial relationship (including Directorship, Partnership, Consultancy, Board Membership, other Appointments or position of authority or influence, whether paid or unpaid,) with any other company, public authority or service or any other organisation, or any other position you have that would or could enable you to influence the award of a contract or allow you to benefit financially:

  • None

Details of any ownership of land or property or other holdings within Aberdeen (other than your own main family home) that may be directly or indirectly affected by any known or prospective estate development plan in the vicinity of the city centre campus or the Garthdee campus:

  • None

Details of any other interests or matters of equivalence to any of the above:

  • None

Details where the interests of any close relative may require to be declared:

  • None

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