Professor Steve Olivier - The Principal

Professor Steve Olivier - The Principal
Professor Steve Olivier is an experienced leader in the higher education sector, both in the UK and internationally. He has held leadership positions in Scottish, English and South African universities.

Register of Interests

All positions, appointments, employment etc (whether remunerated or not) that you hold with any other organisation:

  • Trustee, Rhodes University UK Trust
  • Trustee, Universities Scotland
  • Director, Opportunity North East
  • Director, University Alliance
  • Member, Scottish Council for Development and Industry
  • Occasional invitations for consultancy advice, only undertaken if there is no discernible conflict of interest

Details of any self-employed business, consultancy or other activities you are engaged in, whether remunerated or not, or for other reward or gains:

  • Occasional invitations re consultancy advice.  No work completed to date, but the possibility exists.

Details of any contractual or financial/non-financial relationship (including Directorship, Partnership, Consultancy, Board Membership, other Appointments or position of authority or influence, whether paid or unpaid,) with any other company, public authority or service or any other organisation, or any other position you have that would or could enable you to influence the award of a contract or allow you to benefit financially:

  • None

Details of any ownership of land or property or other holdings within Aberdeen (other than your own main family home) that may be directly or indirectly affected by any known or prospective estate development plan in the vicinity of the city centre campus or the Garthdee campus:

  • None

Details of any other interests or matters of equivalence to any of the above:

  • None

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