Outcome Agreement

Our Strategy

Outcome Agreement

All higher education institutions in Scotland are required to enter in to an Outcome Agreement each year with the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). The purpose of the Outcome Agreement is to demonstrate how each institution will contribute towards the SFC’s achievement of its objectives.

The Outcome Agreement covers a 3 year period and is reviewed and updated each year, following guidance issued by the SFC. 

The SFC issues guidance about specific national performance measures.

These are grouped into 5 priorities:

Priority 1 â€“ Widening Access: Learning that is accessible and diverse, attracting and providing more equal opportunities for people of all ages, and from all communities and backgrounds

Priority 2 â€“ High Quality Learning and Teaching: An outstanding system of learning that is accessible and diverse where students progress successfully with the ability, ideas and ambition to make a difference

Priority 3 â€“ World-leading Research: World-leading universities, nationally and internationally connected with a global reputation for their research

Priority 4 â€“ Greater Innovation in the Economy: A national culture of enterprise and innovation leading to a more productive and sustainable economy

Priority 5 â€“ High Performing Institutions: A coherent system of high-performing, sustainable institutions with modern, transparent and accountable governance arrangements

Gender Action Plan

The Gender Action Plan sets out the actions the University will take to address gender imbalance in certain subject areas and to address the gap between male and female participation in undergraduate study.


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