ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Knowledge Bites for Business

What use is technology if no one uses it?

This video will talk about how, including how we produce energy, technology continues to transform how we live and work. However, it is only valuable if people and companies use it! This webinar will discuss the people factors that influence technology adoption in upstream oil and gas.

Innovation is set to play a significant role in building a sustainable future: for example, the oil and gas industry transitioning into an integrated energy sector. Yet in recent years, this sector has developed a reputation for being conservative and reluctant to adopt new technology. Evidence from O&G industry bodies indicate that psychological factors play a key role in technology adoption; not surprisingly, as workers, managers, investors, and regulators can all have a powerful influence on an organisation’s receptivity to new technology.

Recent research from Aberdeen Business School, funded by the Oil & Gas Technology Centre, has provided insight into this novel area by identifying the psychological factors which influence technology adoption decisions in upstream oil and gas. The findings indicated a need to better understand the influence that the organisational culture can have on how people respond to and introduce technology within their company. To bridge this gap, a survey of organisational innovation adoption culture has been developed. This new measure is currently being deployed as part of an industry benchmarking study of innovation adoption culture within O&G.

This session will give an overview of the research and measure, as well as recommendations on how to support an innovation adoption culture with reference to the wider broader context of digitalisation and energy transition.

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