
Examples of COIL@UArctic Projects

Promotion of Human Rights Through Children’s Literature

Students from Canada and Brazil worked together to develop a digital presentation for World Children’s Day - November 20th - that showcased two children’s books that promote human rights.

Project summary

International teams were asked to review the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and then locate two children’s books that transmit the concept of children’s rights through text and/or illustrations. They were then tasked with creating a brief annotation for each book in addition to a summary of how the two children’s books transmit the concept of children’s rights with reference to the UNCRC. The students presented their selections using a variety of digital presentation methods including infographics, Canva, YouTube, and more.

The Saskpolytech students were able to not just achieve the course learning outcomes, but that they were also able to recognise the importance of human rights advocacy and discuss how children’s books can be used as a platform to teach children and caregivers about human rights. They were also able to develop their cultural self-awareness and perspective taking, as well as increasing their digital literacy skills.

Project Type

Activity or assignment embedded in an existing module.


8 weeks.


SaskPolytech (Canada): 20% of final grade; Universidad Federal Fluminense (Brazil): Ungraded.


Sustainable Development Goals

All SDG goals can be related back to children’s rights. This project functioned more as a way to find suitable resources that can be used to introduce children to the concepts of their own rights and the broader goals of sustainable development. The students chose books that highlighted themes such as equality and social justice, with the intention of helping children understand these important issues.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this project, contact Chasity Berast by email:

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