Staff Directory

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Staff Directory

Use the directory search to find anyone internal to the University, staff or student, by typing in at least the first three letters of their name.

Amendments to the Online Phone Directory

The staff information displayed on these pages uses information held in Outlook. This in turn gets some of its data directly from the HR database.

The school and department lists are based on staff mailing lists held in Outlook. e.g. Staff - IT Services

To view these lists in Outlook:

  • Click the address book icon (or choose Address Book from the Tools menu).
  • Type 'Staff' in the 'Type Name...' box to display all the staff lists.
  • Double click on a list to display the list members.

No list appears for your group

The main schools and departments should all have staff mailing lists. The breakdown of main staff mailing lists into smaller sub-lists needs to be authorised by the Dean of School or Head of Department and can only occur when the main mailing list contains different departmental groups.

Name missing from school/departmental list or Name on wrong list

Staff will automatically be added to the correct mailing list when IT Services receive details from HR to create their Outlook account. If your name is missing from a list email ithelpdesk@rgu.ac.uk giving your full name and userid together with the mailing list that you should belong to. In certain circumstances it is possible for staff to belong to more that one list. 

Details incorrect

Email ithelpdesk@rgu.ac.uk for changes to:

  • phone extension 
  • room no 
  • location

Email HR-accountqueries@rgu.ac.uk with changes to:

  • job title 
  • name 
  • department

Addition or Deletion from list

If staff are added or removed from the HR database then they will be added or removed from Outlook and from the online telephone directory. This process should happen automatically once HR are advised of staff changes. For any queries email HR-accountqueries@rgu.ac.uk

Enter the first few letters of the name or surname (3 letters minimum)

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Alternatively you can search by school or department

Name Email Title/Department Location

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