Linh Khanh Bui - BA (Hons) Fashion and Textiles

Textiles from student Linh Khan Bui
Linh Khanh Bui from Vietnam, was attracted to study Gray’s joint Fashion and Textiles course after being impressed by the course and Ƶ’s graduate employment rates, which were amongst the best in the country.

Having always had a keen interest in fashion growing up, Linh decided she wanted to pursue it as a career. Whilst she didn’t initially intend to study textiles, she thought it would strengthen her fashion credentials. As she's learnt more about the industry and its different crafts, she has became even more intrigued by textiles.

Linh chose to study at Gray’s because very few art schools offered Fashion and Textiles as a joint honours degree. This was the primary factor in her decision making but she was also impressed by the facilities and the workspaces on offer at Grays.  The University’s graduate employment rate, which is one of the best in the country, also impressed her.

For her final degree project, Linh follows a more abstract theme and specialises in knit, creating a fashion and textile collection. Her project is inspired by the deep sea, looking at organisms and sea creatures as references.

“Of all the work I have completed whilst studying at Gray’s, I feel as though I have peaked at the right time, producing work I consider to be my best as I now have the confidence to express myself fully.

"I have developed a collection of knitwear pieces that reflects the aspects of things that we fear the most. The collection is entitled Thalassa, from Thalassaphobia – a fear of deep bodies of water and the creatures that inhabit there. 

"Inspired by marine organisms like plankton, jellyfish, squid etc.  I began to create delicately knitted structures that mimicked the transparency and weightlessness these creatures seemed to convey. 

"The monochromatic collection uses hand tooled lace in fine mercerized cottons to optimize the transparency of the knitted structures, whilst integrated structural boning provides the spiraling silhouette and forms."

Knitted clothing item worn by model, designed to look like a marine organism
Knitted clothing item worn by model, designed to look like a marine organism
Close up of knitted clothing item designed to look like a marine organism
Back of knitted clothing item worn by model, designed to look like a marine organism

Reflecting on my time at Grays, Linh says: “I’ve expanded my knowledge and understanding of the fashion industry.Not only have I accumulated a wealth of fashion and textile related skills, I’ve also become more confident and a well-rounded individual as a result of the challenges I’ve faced over the last four years.”

Linh says Gray’s really supports students as they develop and she is particularly impressed by the Gray's Graduate in Residence program which supports some graduates to work within the school, use the facilities to support their practice, in exchange for taking on a mentorship role for primarily first and second year students.    She also says the School also encourages students to enter art’s competitions which drives them forward developmentally and prepares them for the  competitive industries they will be entering.

As for the highlight of the course Linh says: “The Fashion Manufacturing side of my studies has been the most significant for me as it has taught me key skills which will carry me through my entire career. In addition to this, I was very fortunate to have a tutor as knowledgeable and insightful as Colin Bell, who has such a passion for the subject, which has really inspired me.

“Ƶ has, without a doubt, one of the best Careers Support and Advice Services in the UK. They’ve been really helpful with their guidance. Furthermore, the tutors within the art school are experienced in the industry and have been able to impart their wisdom on to me.”

Now that Linh is about to graduate, she’s looking forward to returning to Vietnam and to working in the fashion industry. She wants to gather experience and knowledge before starting out on her own.

“Most importantly, Gray’s has helped me develop the skills which I’ll lean on, no matter what direction my career takes me.”

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