Faye Woods - Painting

Image of Faye Woods, GSA Painting graduate
Faye Woods brings an exciting collection of paintings to the digital degree show that focus on grief and how we process our emotions.

Having moved around a lot of a child, 23-year-old Faye settled on the west coast and initially studied Illustration at Glasgow City College before deciding her true passion lay in painting and switching to a degree in Contemporary Art Practice at Grays. 

Faye’s dynamic collection of paintings, encourage the viewer to be present. She says she doesn’t necessarily want people to understand her work but instead to sit with it and enjoy it. She has produced a personal set of paintings that explore her experience with grief and acceptance.

Covid forced Faye to work from home in her mum’s utility room. Her studio mates were quickly replaced by a freezer and tumble drier. This change, forced Faye to work on a smaller scale and to adapt to no longer using copious amount of turps in her work!

Speaking about her work, Faye said; “I have a problem of not knowing how to narrow down my research so I’m inspired by anything I feel or see. Jonathan Creek? Love it, lets do a painting about it! A documentary on royal courts in the 14th century? Perfect, I love the jesters, lets paint one. I’m greedy really, I love everything!  I hope other people will enjoy my eclectic set of paintings at this year’s digital degree show.”

“Coming to Gray’s really has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It will  always hold a very soft spot in my heart as it has constantly been such a welcoming community. A place where you know the people that run the shop and work in the canteen as well as you know your tutors.”

Faye adds; “The tutors are the most supportive and caring people I’ve ever met in education and the course constantly challenged me into striving for more in my work. But I also think Gray's has the best painting studios.”

As to what next, well Faye has ambitions to pursue a Master’s in Art and is considering a career as an art’s tutor.

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