Megan Davies - 3D Design

Megan Davies
The loss of a parent and a grandparent has given a talented 3D Design student the inspiration and motivation to battle through hardship at university, and she will now display her final year work at the Gray’s Virtual Degree Show.

Megan Davies, who hails from Copenhagen but is now based on the Isle of Lewis, lost her mother when she was just 11 and her grandmother passed away at the start of her fourth year of university. 

The inspiring ceramicist, who enrolled at Gray’s originally to follow her passion of jewellery design, soon realised that the course she had chosen would provide many more skills.

“University seemed like a good option for me when I was in my sixth year of high school,” Megan said.

“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in life and where I needed to focus my ambition, but university helped me figure out these questions I had when I was younger. Within that, I think the idea of getting off the island and being independent was exciting and new, the prospect of university came with a lot of room for growth.

“Thank goodness I chose this course though, turns out I’m not made for jewellery design, my hands are far too shaky and I much prefer a potter’s wheel. The opportunity to find this out would not have happened with any other course.”

Megan quickly realised that ceramics would be her area of focus, and she used the loss she had suffered as a source of inspiration, which would help drive her forward when things were tough.

“My area of focus is ceramics, questioning how we can use it to better lives and improve user experiences. I wanted to find a sustainable and more admired solution for charity products, something we could use and value rather than lose and forget.

“The approach towards charities and wanting to come alongside them to increase promotion and funds was inspired by my mother and grandmother. My mum passed away from breast cancer when I was 11 and my grandmother passed away from lung cancer at the beginning of my fourth year in university.

“Most of my work has always been inspired by people, and I enjoy telling the story behind the product alongside the object because people tend to relate. This way the product means more to me and the consumer.

“Although this final year brought a lot of hardships, being reminded of my losses and dark periods daily because I had dedicated this project to my mother and grandmother, I look back and see a young woman who created a passion project for the strongest women in her life, while she herself became strong.

“It is much easier to say this in hindsight, but that is why I created my brand Jugs for Jugs - to become a helping hand to others during those moments and a guide towards the end of the tunnel.”

In setting up Jugs for Jugs, Megan had cancer patients at the forefront of her thinking. She wanted to see how independence in handling could be fostered within the products, as many going through chemotherapy struggle with the inability of lifting heavy objects.

“Focusing on how the hand naturally interacts with the product, I created certain indents to help hold the jugs and encourage mobility. However, to be inclusive I aimed to ensure the jugs could also simply be admired or appreciated.

“Once Jugs for Jugs becomes active, I plan to donate 50% of the profits to ongoing cancer centres which are providing the mental and physical help for thousands affected across Scotland.”

Megan is looking forward to exhibiting her work at the Gray’s Virtual Degree Show, and is excited to see the work of her friends and peers.

“Many have put in a lot of work for the Virtual Degree Show. The work we have done should be celebrated. It is sad that we won’t be getting the ‘traditional’ Degree Show, especially after four years and a lot of effort.

“It hurts, but it’s allowed to and I think we need to get better at recognising that we are in the middle of a global pandemic and it’s okay to be sad. But we should also not get lost in the sadness and celebrate the wins. I’m excited to see my friends’ work and those from different courses. Let’s be proud of what we have accomplished this year.” 

Megan is now looking to the future and the development of her brand.

“I hope that one day Jugs for Jugs will become the community and brand that I hoped for. I’m currently looking for jobs but, in the meantime, working from home on products and hopeful collaborations. We’re also hoping to open a family run art gallery on the Black Isles so I’ll be busy with that in the future too. I got engaged during my time at university, so my first step is getting married!”

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