fire evacuation sign

Health & Safety

Fire Safety

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ is committed to managing the risks from fire in its premises and complying with the requirements of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005.

This commitment extends to Student Accommodation organised or operated by the University.

If a fire or fire related incident occurs on University premises please report this to Occupational Health and Environmental Safety:

Advice and assistance can be provided by the University's Fire Safety Adviser

Alan Fleming
Fire Safety Adviser
01224 262082

Policy & Procedure

In order to support the Fire Safety Policy, ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has developed Fire Safety and Fire Risk Management Procedures.

The purpose of these procedures is:

  • To ensure the safety and well being of all staff, students and other persons who are on University grounds if a fire starts.
  • To prevent accidental fires from starting within University grounds and the uncontrolled spread of such fires.
  • To ensure compliance with existing fire safety legislation.
  • To minimise damage to University property in the event of a fire as far as possible without endangering lives.

The procedure gives more details on the mechanisms in place to minimise the risk from fires including fire protection measures, fire risk assessments, procurement & maintenance of fire detection, evacuation and fighting equipment, etc.

Fire Statistics

On an annual basis the University compiles statistics on fire related incidents, including the number of fire alarm activations, the number of fires and the attendance of the fire and rescue services.

These statistics form part of our annual return to the Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA), who promote safety and health within higher education.

Statistics within earlier documents are based on the calendar year, with latter data based on conversion to the academic year.

The university’s performance is better than average in all categories, other than we have a higher level of residential alarm activations. This can be explained in part by the fact that at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ we record and report all alarm activations. In addition we have very comprehensive alarm coverage and we have a robust, immediate response system in place. The effectiveness of the system is reflected in the lower than average number of Fire Service attendances (10.1 as opposed to 39.1 / 1000 bedrooms) reported in the 2010 format.


Fire Safety Training for ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Staff

It is essential that staff know what they have to do to safeguard themselves and others on the premises and that they have an awareness of the importance of their actions. In the context of fire safety this includes risk reduction, maintenance of fire safety measures and action in event of a fire. In order to meet our legal duties it is not only essential that all staff undergo this training but also that we, as an employer, can prove that this is the case. As such, short e-learning tutorials on fire safety awareness and the use of fire extinguishers are available below. 

The e-learning module and quiz will be compulsory for all staff within three months of employment and will be monitored and recorded by the OHES Department. This will be achieved by an email on completion of the quiz. 

Fire Safety Information for ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Students

The  provides information specifically for students and can organise free home fire safety visits.

Emergency Evacuation Information

All staff, students and visitors are asked to follow the standard instructions in the event of an emergency evacuation.

These instructions are printed on 'Emergency Evacuation Information' signs throughout all buildings and are provided below. The only exceptions are those staff who have been given specific duties in the event of an alarm.

Disabled Refuge Points are fitted with Communication Systems enabling the position of a disabled evacuee to be identified and verbal contact to be maintained with the reception desk. Copies of instructions for Refuge Communication Points are displayed adjacent to the system in the stairwell refuge:

Where necessary, information for visitors regarding Fire Safety can be provided:

Staff that have been tasked with specific duties in event of a fire are titled Evacuation Stewards, Evacuation Co-ordinators and Evacuation Chair Operators.

Following every fire alarm activation, with the exception of the weekly test, the Alarm Activation Report is to be completed by the Janitor responsible for the site. The Estates Campus Support Officer should complete a copy if an activation occurs out-of-hours.

The completion of the Report will assist in determining if the evacuation proceeded smoothly and if there are any lessons that can be learned. In addition, it will highlight any deficiencies in the fire safety hardware within the building which requires repair.

As a result, a copy is to be forwarded to both the Maintenance Manager (Estates and Property Services) and the OHES Department.

Disabled Occupants

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has a duty to ensure that all building occupants can evacuate from any of the University buildings in the event of an emergency situation. It is not acceptable to rely on rescue of persons by the Fire and Rescue Service.

As a result, the University has developed procedures to ensure that persons with disabilities who require assistance to evacuate University buildings are given all such assistance in order that they can reach a place of safety. This procedure puts responsibilities on Schools and Departments to produce, if necessary, Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) to ensure that both staff and students are given all necessary assistance.

The PEEP procedure refers to a questionnaire to be completed by the disabled person either alone or with an appropriate member of University staff.

Once the questionnaire is completed, then the PEEP can be developed. It has to be emphasised that the PEEP has to be developed with the input of the disabled person. They will have the best knowledge as to how their condition affects them and they will know the most effective methods of assistance that they require.

In order to assist in the production and development of a PEEP, the PEEP Guidance document outlines some factors to consider when developing and implementing a PEEP, as well as giving some general guidance. Again, it cannot be stressed enough that the input of the disabled person is crucial to the development of a successful PEEP. Further advice can be sought from the Inclusion and Occupational Health and Safety Departments.

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