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Health & Safety

Health & Safety Management

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ is committed to the effective management of health and safety.

Information on how health and safety is managed, how responsibility is defined and the roles and remits of committees, departments and individuals.

Arrangements for Health and Safety Management

The University plans its health and safety activities at all levels, setting objectives, targets to meet the objectives and planning activities to meet the targets.

The Arrangements for Health and Safety Management is a sub-section of the Policy Statement for Health and Safety and includes: 

  • Objectives, Targets and Plans
  • Communication and consultation
  • Risk Assessment
  • Competencies for Health and Safety
  • Investigating and Reporting
  • Monitoring and Review
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Active Monitoring
  • Reactive Response
  • Review

Health and Safety Committee

The Health and Safety Committee's purpose is to contribute to the provision by the university of a safe and secure environment for work, study and visit, both on- and off- campus, to ensure that the university’s reputation is of the highest standing relative to its strategic intent.

It will consider and advise the university on the health, safety and welfare aspects of all ºìÐÓÊÓƵ policy, procedure and practice relating to staff, students, visitors, contractors and others within ºìÐÓÊÓƵ campuses and related off-site activities.

Health and Safety Management Structure & Support

The responsibility for safety rests with everyone, from the Board of Governors and the Principal (Vice Chancellor) through to each individual member of staff, student, contractor and visitor. This statement sets out responsibilities to support the principles of the Policy Statement for Health and Safety.

Other than the Health and Safety Committee, there are many bodies and individuals who support Safety Management at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, including information on the Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Department.

School or Department Health and Safety Co-ordinators

Each School and Department (including subsidiary businesses) will appoint one or more Health & Safety Co-ordinator to act as a conduit for health and safety information, and as a link between the School or Department and the OHES Department.

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