
Why stay at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ student halls?

Find out why staying in halls is the best decision you could make right now.

Halls is a great choice for university accommodation, especially if you’re moving away from home for the first time, or are new to Aberdeen. All our units are in great locations, within a short walk or quick bus trip to campus - and with easy access to everything else. Most importantly, our halls are full of people just like you, who might be anxious about moving away from home for the first time, and who are keen to make new friends and start to enjoy the full experience of university life.

Listen to our latest ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Talk Podcast to find out more about ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Accommodation:

Settling in

As ºìÐÓÊÓƵ students themselves, our Freshers team have been there before, so they know how much you’ll enjoy your time at university once you’ve settled in, and they’ll provide plenty of opportunities for you to mix with and make new friends.

The proximity of your neighbours will accelerate the pace of getting to know people. If you were renting a private flat you wouldn't get to know your neighbours like you will at halls, and that community is a really important part of the full university life experience.

It’s guaranteed to be all ºìÐÓÊÓƵ students in halls – so you’ve already got something in common with everyone. In no time you’ll have met someone who will take the bus with you, who’s on your course, or lives on your floor. Take comfort in the fact that you are starting your university journey together.

Hidden benefits

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ provides accommodation in order to make things safe, straight-forward, and enjoyable for its students – and it doesn’t provide accommodation to make a profit. Because of this you’ll not only get the best value for money, but you’ll find a number of hidden benefits that you won’t get in private accommodation units.

Your monthly payment covers everything. If something is broken it will be fixed much quicker than it would in private accommodation. And if it can’t be repaired quickly then you could be put up temporarily in a guest flat so you won’t have the stress of finding emergency accommodation.

In private accommodation you just don't have that guarantee or safety-net if you feel there’s unfit accommodation, unjust fines, unreturned deposits, or if you’re in financial difficulty. In student halls, ºìÐÓÊÓƵ will look out for you, and help you in any way it can with compassionate care. There are so many things in place to protect you, your rights, and your welfare.

By taking away the hassle and the stress of moving away from home, the purpose of ºìÐÓÊÓƵ halls is to give you the best opportunity to focus all your time and effort on your studies, your relationships, and getting the most from your experience. So much is taken care of for you, so you can just enjoy university life and be in the moment.

Community & experience

Moving to halls for the first time can be daunting for some students. But once you settle-in, being in halls will make everything so much easier and safer for you; and so much more fun. Halls are at the heart of university life and you’ll have so many opportunities so take advantage of everything on offer. You’ll meet a diverse group of people, who may be from different backgrounds, but are all on the same journey as you which makes the bonding experience more meaningful and long-lasting.

The sheer size of Woolmanhill is unique. It's where people want to be and get together. There’s always someone around to talk to, or some other flat to visit, or someone else pulling an all-nighter before a hand-in deadline.

That feeling of the community being alive is what makes Woolmanhill stand out. It’s not surprising that friendships made here continue long after students have finished uni. Whether it’s here in halls or years after you graduate, you’ll always have that group of people with whom you’ll belong.

Safety & welfare

In addition to the site Security Guards, the ResLife team provides an additional level of care that you wouldn’t experience in private accommodation. If you’ve had an accident, or are worried about a flatmate you can call on the ResLife team at any time of the day or night. They are always on-site and are First Aid trained and there to provide reassurance, emergency first aid, or call the emergency services.

As students themselves, the ResLife team members understand the challenges faced by new students, and they are also Mental Health trained. Each ResLife team is unique and a mix of different types of people. There's a strict one, a sociable good cop, and the one to speak to if you are feeling homesick, or are going through a break-up or bereavement. They have some authority and can connect you with appropriate university services, but they are also peers, and safe people for you to easily confide in.

It's a lot of pressure for first years, leaving school, friends, home and family. The protective care of ºìÐÓÊÓƵ halls and the close proximity to flatmates and neighbours mean that you have a support of a close-knit community watching out for you that you wouldn’t quite have in private accommodation.

ºìÐÓÊÓƵ accommodation is a safe environment for you to learn the responsibilities of living away from home, where you can concentrate on living a full and fun uni life as you earn your degree.

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