Dedicated studio space for each specialism

Art, Design & Craft Facilities

Dedicated studio space for each specialism

The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment provides dedicated studio space for every student according to your course and year of study.

Our studios, which are generally large, flexible spaces, have fully integrated audio-visual technologies as well as black out capability. As well as being used for a range of conventional teaching formats, this flexibility offers scope for studios to work as ‘gallery spaces’ for exhibition purposes.

The provision of dedicated spaces where students can develop their work – drawings, models, or reports – undisturbed over time, is central to our philosophy. It is also a key component in creating a lively sense of community. In other words, the School offers a home for our students.

High quality hand tool workbenches are distributed throughout the studios, thus allowing the possibility of simultaneously combining drawing manually and on computers, with modelling and the production of mock-ups.

We are proud of this facility, the quality and extent of which can be matched by few other schools of architecture and built environment.

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