The Inclusion Centre: Disability & Dyslexia

Support & Advice Services 

The Inclusion Centre: Disability & Dyslexia

The dedicated team at the Inclusion Centre are on hand to provide you with information and advice to support you through your time at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ.

We have many years’ experience of supporting students with dyslexia, sensory and mobility impairments, mental health difficulties, medical conditions, autism spectrum disorders and temporary impairments, such as broken limbs.

We can provide:

  • Exam arrangements such as extra time
  • Dyslexia screening and evaluation
  • In-house assessment of needs
  • Application for Disabled Students’ Allowance
  • Liaison with external agencies, for example the Autism Initiatives or the RNIB
  • Support in organising in-class support

Disabled Students' Allowance

Disabled Students’ Allowance supports the additional study costs arising from disability, health condition or specific learning difference.

  • Long-term health conditions
  • Physical disabilities
  • Mental health conditions
  • Specific learning difficulties, e.g. dyslexia
  • Social & communication disorders, e.g. autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Enabling Technology Support

Our computer network supports TextHELP Read and Write Gold and Mindjet MindManager. These software packages can be particularly useful if you have specific learning differences.

  • Provides many tools to help access and compose written material including a text-to-speech function, phonetic spell checker, word prediction and talking dictionary.

  • A visual mapping, planning and brain storming tool that is both powerful and easy to use.

We also have a pool of enabling technologies available for loan to students. This resource is primarily for students who are ineligible for Disabled Students' Allowance. The equipment available for loan includes laptops, recording devices, amplification equipment, magnification equipment and adapted keyboards. 

If you require specific software to support your studies or further training in its use, contact us on 01224 262103.

Parking on Campus

The University is committed to assisting those with mobility impairments to access facilities and resources.

Parking bays for the mobility impaired are located as near as possible to the most appropriate entrance to the University buildings. Find out more:

Applicant Support

We are happy to provide information and advice prior to your arrival at University.

If you have told us on your application that you have a mental health difficulty, disability or specific learning difference such as dyslexia, we will send you a questionnaire to ask for further information. If you have not mentioned it on your application, please get in touch with us and we will send you a questionnaire.

Once we have received your completed questionnaire, we will contact you to arrange an appointment with your Inclusion Coordinator either in person or by phone.

To support your arrangements at university we will require evidence of your mental health, disability, medical condition or specific learning difference.

How to get the relevant evidence

Evidence from an Educational Psychologist confirming a specific learning difference

If you have a report from an Educational Psychologist, please send it to us.

If you do not have a diagnosis or have not previously been supported for dyslexia, we can conduct a screening and arrange for you to meet with an Educational Psychologist if required. 

Evidence from a GP or other healthcare professional

If you are SAAS funded, you should get the DSA Medical Evidence form completed by your GP or psychiatrist. If your funding body is Student Finance, England, Wales or Northern Ireland, please contact us for advice.

Inclusion Mentoring

Mentoring aims to provide support which facilitates competence in self-management of autism or a mental health difficulty. Mentors can help you to develop and maintain study patterns by providing support with timetabling, goal-setting, and managing appropriate levels of study. Mentors can also help you to come to terms with your diagnosis and talk to you about the potential impact on your studies.  

Mentoring is not the same as study skills tuition, which can support you with essay writing, report writing, critical thinking and time-management. However, a mentor can help you to develop more effective study strategies if you are struggling with organisation, motivation, and staying focused on your work.

Similarly, mentoring is not the same as counselling as the focus of mentoring sessions are more practical. Mentors can also work with you on a more long-term basis than a University counsellor might normally be able to. While, our mentors have a professional background in Psychology and/or Social Work; their therapeutic training and skills will inform the type of work that they do with you.

Mentoring is not a substitute for support from statutory services. Your mentor (and/or Inclusion Co-ordinator) will be able to advise on National Health Service (NHS) referral pathways.


Information you provide will be treated as sensitive personal data. We provide a confidential service to all our students, applicants and enquirers. Any information that you provide us will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Contact us  

Telephone: +44 (0) 1224 262103

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