What Our Students Say

Iro Karanika

Iro Karanika

BA (Hons) Applied Social Sciences student from Greece.

What made you choose ºìÐÓÊÓƵ?

Low costs was my number one reason and the beautiful location.

What has been your best memory of studying at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ so far?

Just being able to get involved in everything instantly. Already in my first year, and an international student, I became a VP and an SSO (Student School Officer). So, I would say the equality and diversity principle is something much implemented, and of course the welcoming environment.  I joined a lot of societies. For example, I joined the Drama Society and I am also now the Vice-President of the Go Green Society. So I have to say that I’m settling in pretty well. I’ve made a lot of friends as well which to be honest, I didn’t really expect I would do.  I’ve also started singing in bars and bought a guitar. I guess what I’m saying is that I’ve developed a lot of hobbies here that I didn’t expect to do.

Have you seen much of Scotland yet, or do you have plans to travel around?

I have visited Inverness and the city centre of Aberdeen. I also love going to the old Aberdeen and near the beach. It is quite magical.  I’ve seen so many great and beautiful places in Aberdeen like the beach and Duthie Park.

What is your favourite thing to do in Aberdeen?

Visit new places, there still are so many mysterious shops I want to go to. And enjoy the weather, it is unpopular opinion but it is always unpredictable and intense. I relish it. I also started doing bouldering which is a nice new experience and another place where I’ve met a lot of people who are extremely nice.

What advice would you give to your past self trying to make the decision to study in Scotland?

Keep up with coursework and do not overload me with more unnecessary work.

What has been your biggest challenge?

I was terrified of University being hard, but so far first year has been pretty good. The professors made sure we transition well.

How have you found the teaching and learning environment at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ?

Very helpful honestly. Tutors, inclusion centre, IT help etc. Everybody is amiable, supportive in your journey, and respects you as an equal.

This has been an amazing experience and I really thank Woolmanhill flats for the Accommodation Scholarship! Thank you!

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