What Our Students Say

Liam Sexton

Liam Sexton

BA (Hons) International Tourism Management student from Canada.

What attracted you to your course at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ?

I was in my first week of classes at Mohawk College when a lovely ºìÐÓÊÓƵ ambassador popped in for a 10-minute chat to explain how I could easily transfer my college credits into a bachelor’s degree while studying abroad. I was instantly sold on the idea of travelling and obtaining my degree all in one go!

Before coming to ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, what was your expectation of it - and how has the reality been?

Coming from Hamilton, Ontario I had heard a lot of parallels between Aberdeen and Hamilton. A mix of young students and night life mixed with a blue-collar working industry. I thought I would fit in perfectly and I was completely right. The thing that pushes Aberdeen from being a great city to my new home is of course the having best ice hockey team in Scotland, the Aberdeen Lynx.

What's the best thing about being an ºìÐÓÊÓƵ student? 

The best thing about being an ºìÐÓÊÓƵ student has been how welcoming that faculty and my fellow peers have been. I have never once felt out of place in the classroom or on campus. What should have and very likely could have been one of the most challenging days in my academic career was instead a day like any other thanks to my peers. This of course extends to the faculty as well, my course leader despite their incredibly busy schedule and taking care of 4+ years’ worth of students, they have always had an open doors policy for any questions I might have.

Describe your favourite memory of ºìÐÓÊÓƵ so far? 

My favourite memory of ºìÐÓÊÓƵ so far would have to be going out with my new Scottish friends to watch my first ever live football (soccer) match where Aberdeen played Hibs. Coming from Canada where football isn't the biggest sport it was a real exciting and fun match to watch with all my newfound friends.

Tell us about your most challenging/rewarding project/assignment/module. What did you like/ dislike about it and how has it helped you? 

The most challenging assignment I have had to do so far has been my research proposal. Coming from a working college I had little to no experience with reading or analysing academic journals let alone how to write one myself. After weeks of poring over academic journals and trying to figure out how I was supposed to piece this assignment together I had a wonderful eureka moment (largely thanks to my course leader pointing me in the right direction). I have never felt such pride as I did when finishing the conclusion of the proposal. It was the toughest thing I've ever written and at the same time the most interesting and rewarding.

What is your favourite way to spend your time when you are not studying? Why is that important to you?

Coming from Canada being outside and enjoying nature has always been an important part of my life, especially in the winter. Thankfully Aberdeen has plenty of trails for long hikes and hill climbing, with the added benefit of getting to see some beautiful castles! I think having these habits and hobbies has really eased my transition to a new country. The ability to meet people doing the same thing you do back home helps to ground you through the whole scenario and realise that even if you're thousands of miles away from home its not so different when you look at the little things you enjoy in life.

What would you say to someone considering studying at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ? Any advice you would share? 

The biggest advice I could give is to just take the plunge. All the fear and anxiety I had leading up to the plane landing in Aberdeen quickly melted away and instead I was simply in love with the new situation I found myself in. It's tough but thankfully with how easy it is to stay connected with people through the internet instead of trading your life for a new one, you end up simply adding on new friends and experiences that you can so easily share with everyone already in your life. Don't think too much and just enjoy the ride!

Did you join ºìÐÓÊÓƵ using an agent through partner institution? Please provide your counsellors name, company and office location

Sue Dorman, KOM Consultants, Hamilton Ontario Canada.

Please can you tell us about the Agent that you came through and your experience of working with them? For example, did you feel they helped you with every aspect of your application and journey that you wanted them to?

KOM Consultants was the agency that helped me prepare all the necessary documents to apply for ºìÐÓÊÓƵ. They were a joy to work with and took away any stress that there might have been with applying for a school halfway across the world. I simply gave them a bundle of necessary documents and they took care of the rest. They were patient as I asked a million questions and even pre-emptively reached out to me to let me know what the next steps would look like. They made the experience even easier than it was applying for universities in my home country!

Can you tell us how you have found entering an advanced stage of the course with ºìÐÓÊÓƵ? How does the teaching style differ to your previous institution? What advice would you say to fellow students from your previous institution, thinking about completing their course at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ?

I joined ºìÐÓÊÓƵ from Mohawk College in Canada. The biggest change in teaching was the way you are tested and marked on your knowledge. Unlike in Canada, my course is grade based on one big assignment at the end of each module. The biggest advice I could give to fellow Mohawk Alumni is to take advantage of the great services ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has supplied when it comes to writing assignments, referencing, what the expectations are for the different kind of essays and articles you might have to write. Even more than that, the best thing to do is to trust yourself. ºìÐÓÊÓƵ will give you all the tools you need to succeed so it's up to you to keep a positive mind and work hard. If you can do that you can succeed no problem!

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