What Our Students Say

Obianuju Iheji

Obianuju Iheji

MSc International Business Management student from Nigeria.

What attracted you to your course at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ?

My studies from high school level have always steered me towards business and management, and I have since then worked in various business administration, development, management, and operations roles. ºìÐÓÊÓƵ’s great reputation and the curriculums in the business and management program immediately caught my attention and got me excited, because it covered all the business aspects that I believed would give me the professional exposure required to make me a very successful business manager in my future career and endeavours.

Before coming to ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, what was your expectation of it - and how has the reality been?

I was excited to travel abroad and gain international exposure from a very reputable school which would equip me to excel in any global business environment.

The reality for me has been more than I expected because in the very little time I have been at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, I have achieved so much. From the great university support, warm environment, to the well-coordinated teaching style delivered by exceptional professionals who have prepared us for the realities that exist in the business world.  The experience has been exceptional, and this has led to people encouraging me to serve as a Student Ambassador. 
By also getting involved in several other capacity development activities on campus, I have seen myself rapidly grow intellectually and become more open-minded. For the first time in a while, I have a clearer picture about how to apply my skills, attained knowledge and exposure into further developing myself, organizations I will be affiliated with in the near future, and even the business world.

What's the best thing about being an ºìÐÓÊÓƵ student?

The best aspect of being an ºìÐÓÊÓƵ student for me is the comprehensive and practical education I have received. I have had a wonderful learning experience here at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ and I never get tired of talking about my experience. I guess coming in with an open mind really helped as well. As stated previously, I have greatly benefited from several available capacity building and extracurricular activities that I got involved in on campus and I am extremely thankful for all the opportunities. I have never felt more prepared to take on real-world business and professional challenges.

Describe your favourite memory of ºìÐÓÊÓƵ so far? 

Apart from enjoying the support I provide as a student ambassador, my favourite memory so far has been winning the ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group (EIG) Sustainable Goals Student Innovations Award in November 2022 and also attaining the level 1,2 and 3 ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Innovation Awards. Being provided with access through the ºìÐÓÊÓƵ EIG platform to be able to work on innovative ideas that could become great solutions to several world problems has been both a blessing and a confidence booster for me. I have been inspired to progress further to actualise my innovation and many more ideas that have been born from the new fire that this platform ignited in me. ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has indeed brought out the spark in me.

Tell us about your most challenging/rewarding project/assignment/module. What did you like/ dislike about it and how has it helped you? 

As I advanced in age, I realised that I was stagnant in my career which was largely due to my lack of financial and analysis-related skills, as they were very important factors required to take on more prominent roles. Therefore, I decided to develop relevant managerial skills which was part of what led to my enrolment to achieve a Master’s degree. A pivotal moment arose during the "Finance for Managers" module (BSM017) I had in my second semester, which was initially intimidating but ultimately transformative. Exposure to various analytical methods and techniques, which were unfamiliar in my previous professions, became the turning point for me. Guided by my exceptional lecturer, tutor, and collaborative support from my study group members, I not only navigated the challenges but excelled, achieving an A grade at the end of the semester. This experience, which was both challenging and rewarding has fortified me with the confidence to pursue senior management roles in the near future.

What is your favourite way to spend your time when you are not studying? Why is that important to you? 

I have always been an indoor kind of person, so I enjoy watching movies while I relax at home and also dedicate time to the several professional activities I am involved in.

What would you say to someone considering studying at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ? Any advice you would share? 

My first advice is always "To be open-minded". Come in with a fresh mindset and open your mind to be fuelled. Work hard, get involved in as many activities as possible and enjoy all the resources provided to students. Do not just pass through the school, let the school pass through you.

What do you enjoy most about living in Aberdeen (city, food, people, entertainment, travel, etc.)?

This may sound odd to a lot of people, but the cold weather is one of the best things I looked forward to when coming to the city, and I have enjoyed it so much. I also love the people because majority of them are so warm and kind. I get warm smiles and support even when I do not expect it. I also have access to my country meals here which is wonderful because I have not felt home sick since I arrived in 2022. Aberdeen is a very peaceful city and It's a place I can comfortably call home.

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