Gabriela Uzunova - BSc (Hons) Digital Media

Gabriela Uzunova
Gabriela Uzunova decided to go to university as she had just moved to UK and wanted to gain confidence and build a network of like-minded people.

She is now graduating with a BSc (Hons)  in Digital Media, long lasting friendships and new design skills. 

Gabriela chose ºìÐÓÊÓƵ for more than one reason, “ºìÐÓÊÓƵ seemed like a very modern and exciting place to study and the campus was gorgeous by the water. In terms of my course, ºìÐÓÊÓƵ offered the best syllabus I could find which explored fields from coding and graphics to VR game design for Digital Media which sounded extremely interesting and broad. I knew it would significantly enlarge my portfolio and I would be able to have many opportunities post-graduation. Additionally, they were rated really high for post graduate employment which really impressed me and solidified my choice in the end.â€

Before the pandemic, Gabriela enjoyed the networking opportunities and made friends for life. She also engaged in extracurricular activities which allowed her to work on external projects that took her to Finland.

“I worked with four other countries on a tourism project that allowed me to meet new interesting people from different countries.  This trip increased my confidence, self-reliance, and leadership skills all at once. It was one of the highlights of my university experience and I will never forget it.â€

Gabriela was also involved in ºìÐÓÊÓƵ’s Computing and Gaming societies, which played in an important role in her educational journey. “My involvement in the gaming society started through a learning group one of the lecturers organised prior to the start of our 2D game design module. He asked the gaming society at the time to join in and we had an evening of playing various board games in order to learn the fundamentals to what makes games interesting and fun to play. There I made friends and was able to enjoy myself which eventually lead to me joining the committee the following year and helping in the running of the society.â€

Like other students across UK, Gabriela’s final year was drastically different due to the lockdown and associated restrictions. “Going to university isn’t about handholding, it pushes you to take matters into your own hands and strive for the best. While the lecturers supported me through zoom calls and emails, the work was left up to me to complete. This experience allowed me to manage my time better, learn to trust my instincts and be more confident in what I produce overall. Even though this wasn’t how I pictured my last year to be like I think it has benefited me in the long run and allowed me to better myself too.â€

As Gabriela looks back at her university experience as a whole, she appreciates all she has gained from being at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, “Throughout this experience I have been able to grow as a designer and a creative person with a much more extensive repertoire, making me a more rounded student. University, and particularly this course gave me long lasting friendships, motivation and endless support that I will cherish forever.â€

She also shares advice for future computing cohorts at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, “Take advantage of the facilities and equipment while you are there because it won't be easy to get hold of it after you leave. Also make sure you ask questions if you are ever stuck because the lecturers are always willing to help and guide you.â€

Armed with her new degree Gabriela plans to become a UX/UI designer in a creative company where she hopes to apply her design skills to improve the consumer experience.

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