Caitlin Watson - Master of Architecture

Caitlin Watson
An ambitious Master of Architecture graduate from Aberdeen, awarded the prestigious, international ‘Scotland + Venice’ scholar to work at the Venice Architecture Biennale in recognition of her outstanding talent in architecture.

As a school leaver from Cults Academy, Caitlin had always had an eye for design and a keen interest in architecture.  University was the natural next step and the transition from school to University was made even easier, as tutors from the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment had already visited her secondary school to help with an architecture project in her Advanced Higher in Art & Design.

Caitlin was also impressed by the Scott Sutherland School after visiting with her peers, when she the opportunity to display her work and meet other architecture students.

“I wanted to find a course which could combine my creative and technical interests and the architecture course at the Scott Sutherland School provided a variety of modules which addressed all of my areas of interest. I also appreciated the smaller size of the course and the contact time between staff and students within the studio setting which has a strong focus on the environment.”

Like other students, Caitlin was affected by the Covid-pandemic and says she feels particularly proud to be graduating.

“I am delighted to be receiving my Master’s degree after 6 years of hard work, especially after the difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a great, and also challenging experience, and I am looking forward to seeing where the next 6 years will take me within the architecture profession."

Reflecting on her experience at Ƶ, Caitlin says there are so many positives to choose from but she particularly enjoyed her overseas study trips.

“There are many highlights of the course which I have experienced over my time at Ƶ. During my undergraduate course, we were fortunate to go on three study trips to Rome, Venice and Comrie Croft to get to know each other better as a cohort, learn about architecture and even have a go at designing and constructing an outdoor kitchen area.

“I had the pleasure of attending the as a member for several years, socialising with students from other stages and hearing some fantastic lectures from architects, before taking on the role of co-president in my final year.”

Out with her studies, Caitlin took advantage of the many clubs and sports societies at Ƶ.

“I was part of the Ƶ Netball and played for the 1st team throughout my degree and joined the committee in my third year. I really enjoyed getting to know other girls in different degrees and made great friendships throughout my time at the club. I would really recommend students to join a sport club, even if they are new to it, as it provides such great stress relief from your studies.”

Now that Caitlin is finishing University, she’s looking forward to building on the experience from her degree and her success after winning a prestigious scholarship to the which recognises the best contemporary art and architecture talent from Scotland.

"After my final university deadline, I headed out to the Venice Biennale, the international architecture festival, for the Scotland + Venice professional development programme to work as an exhibition Invigilator for Scottish exhibition ‘A Fragile correspondence’. The Scott Sutherland School has two places for final stage architecture students, and I am grateful for the opportunity as I have had the chance to network with a variety of creative individuals and to develop my skills and experience on the programme.”

“I really believe Ƶ has prepared me well for the next steps onto the career ladder. Through Professional Practice and Development modules and speaking with practicing architects through 57°10, I feel prepared to take my next step and work towards my part 3 qualification.

“I also value the efforts of the teaching staff who have made my experience at Ƶ particularly valuable. In particular, my undergraduate tutor David Wilson who has continued to provide support to the end of my Masters, my stage 5 studio tutor and dissertation supervisor Professor David McClean, and my Masters’ tutors who I have fortunately had mentorship from over the past two years, visiting Professor Karen Anderson and Andrew Macpherson.

“l am keen to stay in Scotland and look forward to securing a role in practice so that I can work towards my Part 3 qualification to become an Architect. I have no doubt that the skills I have gained whilst at The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and experience gained at Ƶ will prepare me well for the next stage in my career.”

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