Daji Mowoe-Oyetundun - MSc Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

Daji Mowoe-Oyetundun
An international student has credited Ƶ for turning both her personal and professional life around having thrived at the University, graduating with an award-winning merit and leaving as “refined gold”.

Oghenedaji Mowoe-Oyetundun, shortened to Daji among friends, enrolled in the postgraduate MSc Corporate Communications and Public Affairs course in the School of Creative and Cultural Business having transitioned from a background in health sciences to advance and fulfil her passion for communications.

“Having practiced in the communications profession for over five years, I wanted to enhance my experience with the right degree, so I decided to apply for a master's program. 

“I had done my research on various universities in the UK, but none ticked all my boxes until I found Ƶ. The blend of theory-based teaching backed by professional industry experience was the catch. The curriculum is a perfect balance and the course is CIPR accredited too.”

Daji’s passion for the career she found typically later in to adulthood is clear to see.

“Corporate Communication is the bedrock of any organisation, whether internal or external. Effective communication i.e., engaging and passing the right message to the right people in the right way through the right media, and then having your audience’s feedback, is key to achieving an organisation’s goals and objectives.

“I have always been intrigued by the subtle yet powerful force and science of communication, visibility, and publicity, hence my love for the course.”

Having spent the best part of the past year at Ƶ, studying on campus full-time, the Nigerian student is convinced that the University has significantly elevated her abilities.

“I would say I’m a thorough-bred communications professional now. The incredible balance of theory and practice has given me the needed advantage to take on the industry confidently and I have grown and evolved tremendously, both professionally and personally.

“The postgraduate degree has sharpened my communication, research, project and time management skills. I have become more confident and relentless in the pursuit of my goals and aspirations. At Ƶ, I have been cooked, baked, and thoroughly refined and I have come out as fine gold.”

Having endured a tough start to her postgraduate degree, key to Daji’s success at Ƶ came down to the support and mentorship afforded to her by the University’s staff, in particular lecturer Tracy Pirie.

“I was tired, I was scared, and I wasn’t sure I could face the huge task ahead of me. But the phenomenal support I got from my module coordinators made the journey more bearable.

“My course leader, Tracy Pirie, selflessly took 30 mins out of her busy schedule to affirm and speak to my mind every single week during the time. It seemed like a simple act then, but the profound effect it had on me cannot be recounted in words.

“Fast forward to today, I stand tall telling my story having graduated with a merit. But I stand on the shoulders of the phenomenal faculty and staff of Ƶ who believed in me and saw what I didn’t see in myself and without whose support I wouldn’t be here with a story worth telling.

“Kudos to the entire Ƶ team, both academic and non-academic, for the exceptional support given to students in ensuring that we have everything we need to succeed.”

As well as leaning on the support of those around her, Daji also made use of the library in the Sir Ian Wood Building, careers support and the study skills service.

“The study skills have a plethora of resources to study, research, and write exceptional coursework. I learned how to discover exactly what was required of me in each coursework, mastered the art of writing critical essays and using the Harvard-referencing guide.

“The employability team supported me through professional career guidance, helping to discover my strengths and interests. I now have better clarity on my career path and I’m very confident about that journey as well. They also helped with a CV makeover – taking my CV from ordinary to extraordinary.”

Her enthusiasm for her studies clearly shone through and translated into results too, having recently been awarded top student on her course at the School of Creative and Cultural Business prize giving.

With graduation complete and a future to look forward to, Daji leaves Ƶ as a fully-fledged super fan.

“At Ƶ, I have learned grit, tenacity, drive, and determination and I 100% intend to keep the Ƶ flag flying high academically and professionally. My short-term plans include building on the solid foundation of my master’s degree by pursuing a doctorate degree while harnessing my skills, improving on all I’ve learned, and expanding my experience within the PR and communications field.

“I say to anyone that cares to listen that Ƶ is a land of opportunities where your success is top priority. In Ƶ, you get more than you bargained for. It’s a total package of academic, professional, physical, and mental development.

“I am indeed not the person I used to be before my master’s and I still find it hard to believe the level of growth that has taken place. The world is mine for the taking and I’ve got Ƶ to thank for this.”

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