Lydia Buchan - LLB (Hons) Law

Lydia Buchan
“Take the leap and go for it” is the advice from Lydia Buchan, 22, who has achieved a first class honours degree in Law at this Summer’s Ƶ (Ƶ) graduation ceremonies.

Since joining Ƶ from sixth year at Hazlehead Academy, Lydia has jumped head first in to university life. After three successful years studying Law and Management and collecting a bachelor of arts degree, she then joined the LLB (Hons) Law course to go on and obtain her honours.

“I always really enjoyed the learning environment in school and wanted to continue this, so naturally going to university felt like the next step for me once I had finished school.

“My favourite subject in school was Business Management and I was interested in commercial matters, so I was drawn to studying Law at Ƶ due to the variety of modules offered, particularly in Intellectual Property Law; Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law; and Cyber and Information Security Law.

“I was also interested in studying Law at Ƶ due to their modern approach, both in terms of the beautiful campus and the practical legal education provided. The legal industry evolves at a fast pace, and I felt that the legal education offered by Ƶ reflected this and would prepare me well for entering the legal profession.

“Tre is also great versatility in teaching methods, from traditional assignments to practical assessments such as role play exercises and presentations, there really is something for everyone.”

From there, the Aberdonian graduate didn’t look back.

“I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Law and Management in 2021 by which point I knew I wanted to become a solicitor, so I chose to undertake the LLB at Ƶ to complete my Law degree where I was able to enter during third year.”

Like so many students at The Law School and University as a whole, the opportunities made available to her was a key highlight of her time.

“During my third year I had the opportunity to undertake a summer placement as part of the Law and Management course. I undertook a 12-week placement as a Compliance Officer at Serco NorthLink Ferries which allowed me to gain valuable commercial experience whilst undertaking my Law degree.

“It can be difficult to get relevant work experience whilst studying but Ƶ has great industry links and can support students in finding the correct placement and opportunities for them.”

Soon after this placement, Lydia volunteered with the Grampian Community Law Centre, a student led initiative at Ƶ which provides free legal services to those who otherwise could not access any.

“Volunteering has been a great opportunity and has really complemented the legal education I’ve received at Ƶ by allowing me to gain practical legal experience and develop my professional legal skills whilst being able to help others.

“T Grampian Community Law Centre gives volunteers access to legal training, often through guest lectures from practising solicitors which allows students to network with legal professionals.”

With two degrees in her back pocket, the aspiring solicitor is now gunning for an Ƶ hat-trick with one final hurdle.

“I have applied to undertake the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice. Having thoroughly enjoyed studying here over the last five years, I would love to complete the last step in my academic journey at Ƶ. Once I complete the DPLP, I will be commencing a traineeship with Brodies LLP in August 2024.”

Lydia’s fondness of Ƶ runs in the family with two older sisters also graduating from the institution. Why Ƶ and why Law in particular?

“One of my favourite things about Ƶ is the opportunities available to students, from the practical approach to learning and the variety of modules offered, to the opportunities to undertake a placement and volunteer.

“I have found Ƶ to be a really supportive learning environment too, especially the support of the Law School. They genuinely want the best for every student, and in my experience, they are always willing to go above and beyond to help students wherever they can.

“For anyone considering studying Law, I cannot recommend the Law School at Ƶ highly enough. I have been incredibly fortunate to have loved every moment of my Law degree, and I put that down to having a fantastic university experience at Ƶ.”

To add the cherry on an already large cake, Lydia also won her school award for ‘Outstanding Law Graduate 22/23’.

“Looking back to when I first started university, I feel incredibly proud of how much my confidence has grown. I remember how daunting I found the prospect of attending university and feeling completely out of my depth, worrying that I had taken too much of a leap.

“It feels incredibly surreal that five years later I’m graduating with a first class honours degree in Law. For anyone considering university, take the leap and enjoy it. Going to university was one of the best things I ever did.”

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