Maxwell Wilson - Master of Architecture with Distinction

Maxwell Wilson
A talented Master of Architecture student from ºìÐÓÊÓƵ’s Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment, awarded a scholarship to the prestigious Scotland + Venice Professional Development programme.

As a secondary school pupil at Milne’s High School, Maxwell Wilson from Lhanbryde near Elgin, had always had an eye for design. Architecture struck him as a great mix of creativity and practicality, and he was drawn to any activity that involved design, finding great satisfaction in the process and outcome of designing.

He recognised the pivotal role University could play in paving the way for a career in Architecture and was drawn to the independent lifestyle that would come with it. He’s now graduating with a Master of Architecture (MArch) with Distinction from the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment.

Throughout his course, Maxwell says there have been several highlights including study trips, notably to Rome and Venice, which have left a lasting impression. His Master’s project, as part of the University’s Pomona framework for Finstown in Orkney, which supports the University’s recently launched Orkney Strategy, was also a particular high point.

“Experiencing these cities, especially when one's attention is focused on architecture, has been really great. Additionally, the opportunity to visit Orkney during my Master’s program was an important experience when working with this context in mind. I designed a horticulture facility and a gin distillery in the small community of Finstown and worked with a group to come up with ideas to build sustainable, new industries for the islanders.â€

Maxwell looks back happily on his time at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ and his experience at the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment.

“I really appreciate the unique studio-oriented nature of the Scott Sutherland course which sets it apart from any other experience I have encountered. Being able to work in this way particularly suits my way of thinking and working, making it all the more valuable to me.

“The University also organized several design competitions which have given me fantastic design experience and helped me build up my portfolio.â€

Maxwell has just been awarded the prestigious which recognises the best contemporary art and architecture talent from Scotland. He’s taking part in a dedicated professional development programme this summer and working at the leading Venice Architecture Biennale festival.

Looking forward, Maxwell has high hopes for the future.

“I am thrilled to have successfully obtained my degree; however, I will undoubtedly miss ºìÐÓÊÓƵ. The journey has been challenging yet enjoyable, and the rewards have been worthwhile. I have yet to encounter anything quite comparable to the architectural studio experience at the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment.

“ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the professional field. The emphasis on practicality and usefulness in the curriculum has instilled in me a sense of confidence as I venture out to seek employment. I believe that everything I have learned will serve me well in my job search and in my future career as an architect.â€

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