Cameron Morrison - BA (Hons) Business Management

Cameron Morrison - BA (Hons) Business Management
30 year-old Cameron Morrison from Fraserburgh decided a degree was key to taking his career to the next level. In a competitive workplace, he’d reached a point where he felt he needed to stand out. Furthering his education and qualifications was key to his ambitions. He also wanted to be a role model for his two young daughters, to prove what's achievable.

Cameron initially served an apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering & Rotating Equipment at Rolls Wood Group, studying a HND in Mechanical engineering at Aberdeen college (NESCOL). After focusing on professional development and training at work with RWG & Siemens, he was keen to study at Ƶ’s Aberdeen Business School.

“I was attracted to the BA Business Management course as there were no night classes. It fitted around working life, allowing me the freedom to manage my own time. The course structure was really varied and transferable, providing overall business knowledge in several key areas, which if of interest, could be pursued at a higher level."

Speaking about his achievement at Ƶ, Cameron says: “The world has changed dramatically since March 2020 with many distractions and stresses which previously didn’t exist. Given the COVID-19 challenges and its impact on family life, with no childcare available for large periods, working from home, coupled with a demanding workload over this summer, alongside trying to maintain a few hobbies, a social life and keeping fit, I feel very proud of what I have achieved and managed to balance.

“I’ve now got an improved awareness that I must sacrifice now for success later. The importance of ‘focus time’ shouldn’t be underestimated, it is remarkable what can be achieved in short periods of truly productive time, rid of distractions. Hard-work, and dedication perhaps trumps natural ability. “

Cameron’s highlights from the Business Management course include learning real-life scenarios as part of the business opportunities module and also the Saturday workshops (pre Covid) which he found insightful, enjoyable and motivating as students could ‘bounce’ ideas off each other. He also benefitted from the library support services which helped him find materials and offered support with the Harvard referencing which he had no previous experience of prior to starting at Ƶ.

“All the lecturers were also very responsive to any queries or support requested, particularly the course co-ordinator.”

As to what next, Cameron says; “I’ve really enjoyed my time at Ƶ and don’t consider it finished yet. I’ve got an eye on potential further education in the medium-term future. I want to progress on to the next stages of my career, be it continuing with Oil & Gas related projects, or perhaps focusing on the renewables sector to a position of leadership and strategy.

“The skills and knowledge gained during my degree are largely transferable between sectors and industries and provide a solid grounding for career progression.

“Having never studied academically at this level, self-belief is critical to success and breaking down the perhaps, daunting task or perception of ‘completing a degree’.”

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