Greg Hanson - GA BSc Software Development for Business

Greg Hanson
Greg Hanson successfully completed his Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) while working for ºìÐÓÊÓƵ’s School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice.

His role as an E-Learning Technical Assistant included theGA in Software Development for Business as part of it.

Greg said that having most of the programme online suited him as it would not have been possible for him to do a degree in the traditional way.

He said: “The university advertised a job for an E-Learning Technical Assistant for the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedic Practice.  Completing the course was part of the job.

“The highlight of the course is the entirely online delivery method with on the job studying for most of the course content. This allows students to maintain full-time paid employment while studying, which removes a barrier to entry for some people, like myself, had other responsibilities that would make attending a traditionally delivered course impossible.â€

Greg said his proudest moment at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ was coming up with a specialist environment so nurses, midwives and paramedics could practice taking exams.

It was also useful because he could demonstrate the online tool in action during a job interview with his current employer Westhill-based Genesis Energies.

Greg said: “The single module I am most proud of is my Honours project, where I created a 3D environment for trainee nurses, midwives and paramedics to practice taking practical exams that would otherwise require significant time investments from academic staff.

“Not only am I proud of the outcome, but I was able to host the application online, where anyone with a web browser can use it. This was extremely helpful in the recruitment process for my next employer, when I could deliver a live demonstration during the interview process.

“Now that I’ve finished university, I have already found employment developing software for Genesis Energies. The interview process consisted of a coding exercise where I was asked to work in the same team structure the company uses to complete a simple programming task.

“It is obvious that ºìÐÓÊÓƵ prepared me well for the job market, as before I have even graduated, I have started employment in a job directly related to my education and interests.â€


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