Charlie Watt – BSc (Hons), Biomedical Science

Charlie Watt
Inspired by an interest in STEM but seemingly lacking the grades for higher education, this Fraserburgh student applied for university with more hope than expectation.

Charlie, 22, had gained some experience at university thanks to Ƶ’s Access To courses which offers subject-focused and support sessions, delivered by Ƶ's academic teaching staff and the Widening Access Team.

It is this what helped encourage him to apply for university full-time having been given a taste of what may have been to come.

“I always had an interest in STEM and particularly scientific subjects at school and took additional engineering courses as well as Access To courses in lab sciences.

“Considering I didn't have the entrance grades to progress to university I was stunned to see my acceptance, however I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that the university has given me.

“The course at Ƶ offered a vast range of topics to cover and the labs were always a blast, allowing for hands-on experience with the samples, bacteria and equipment available.”

The Aberdeenshire graduate’s experience was of course altered by the pandemic, something that affected thousands of students up and down the country.

“Covid-19 learning was an experience that I hope no one else has to go through, it made university more tedious than anything and not being able to see classmates was a major factor to affect my experience.”

He is however now looking forward to continuing his journey in science following a successful four years in the School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences.

“I am planning on focusing on microbiology as this had been the topic I had found most interesting, as well as most enjoyable.

“The course has given me the skills needed to analyse and present data as well as keep laboratory standards at an all-time high, something which was hopefully recognised through my work.”

The School of Pharmacy & Life Sciences offers a progressive, multidisciplinary portfolio of highly-practical and professional courses to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the sector.

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