Atulya Venkataraman - MEng Mechanical and Offshore Engineering

Atulya Venkataraman
Atulya Venkataraman’s lifelong penchant for curiosity to understand how machines work has helped him complete his MEng Mechanical and Offshore Engineering with distinction.

The 24-year-old, who went to school in Singapore, decided to come to Ƶ to study on the MEng Mechanical and Offshore Engineering course as he was keen to learn about the heart of machines. He also wanted the right kind of skills and knowledge to succeed in his chosen career. 

He feels his placement with a local engineering company was a key factor that helped him apply the theoretical knowledge that he learned at Ƶ’s Garthdee campus. 

Atulya affirms this: “For me, the highlight of my time at university was my placement completed with Score Energy. I got the chance to work alongside some fabulous engineers who helped to develop and shape me into the engineer I am today. During the placement, I got to know about the in-practice applications of theories I learned in the classroom. In addition, it was my first real experience of what a job entails. 

“I think this not only looked good on my CV but helped to better prepare me for when I applied for graduate roles. It was such a great experience, and I made so many friends at Score. I recommend going on placement during one of the summers at university, especially to Score Energy if you get the chance.”

Atulya has moved away from Aberdeen after securing a job as an engineer in London with McDermott.  He intends to use his learning experience at Ƶ at work, and his approach to problem-solving in general.  He is sure that work will give him ample opportunities to continuously develop and add more knowledge.

The subsea engineering role ties in with many of the skills he learned during his studies at Ƶ. Atulya firmly believes that having already had a placement with an energy company helped him not only secure the job, but, more than adequately helps him now as a novice engineer. 

Atulya said: “I have started a graduate role as a subsea engineer with McDermott who operate in the oil and gas industry. The company is based in London, so I have moved to the ‘big smoke’.  I love the city, although I do miss Aberdeen. My career plan is essentially the same as my university plan, to gain as many tools for my toolbox as I can, and to enjoy myself while doing that. I don’t slave away at a 9-5 as I am passionate about what I do.

“Ƶ provided me the requisite skills to excel within the industry. Of course, industry specific skills were important to develop during my time at university, but the key differentiator was the development of my transferrable skills and the pertinacity that accompanies it. In each of the courses, principles were taught, but it was the approach to learning that was meaningful lesson for me, time after time.  We were taught to approach everything with cold, rational, logic. This helps me even today when I break down complex patterns into simple steps.  I am not easily overwhelmed when things don’t work.” 

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