Joni Gellatly – GA BSc (Hons) Data Science

Joni Gellatly
For Joni Gellatly completing a Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) in Data Science is a significant achievement after successfully finishing her studies while looking after her family, coaching a football team and continuing to work full-time.

The 44-year-old from Gourdon in Aberdeenshire decided to begin her course during the Covid-19 pandemic and felt it was the ideal time to learn new skills as it gave her a focus as the world wrestled with lockdown.

Joni left school at 16 and worked in various jobs before joining Aberdeenshire Council in 1999 where she has moved roles within the local authority.  She admits the course was challenging but it was a success as she secured a new position with her employer as a business analyst.

She said: “During lockdown the course was great as it gave me something to focus on during the unprecedented situation. It was great to finally meet my fellow students face to face when we came out of lock down.  Studying had its ups and downs however the lecturers were at hand to help. Some modules were more challenging than others however once you had completed them you then realise you are adaptable and able to succeed.

“I am truly ecstatic that I have accomplished the degree.  I did not feel I could continue to honour due to changing roles and commitments to coaching a football team.  No matter how old you are it is never too late to study again. I am proud of my achievement, and hopefully my children will also go onto study at Ƶ as anything is possible when your put your mind to it.”

Joni admits it would been difficult to land her current role without taking part in the GA at Ƶ and the submitting her final piece of coursework coincided with applying for a new job.

She added: “I found all the modules interesting some harder than others, and some more enjoyable than others. I learned lots whilst on the course and many useful tools which made my work easier.

“Just as I submitted my last module I applied for a different job within the council.  I was successful and have now moved roles to a Business Analyst.  I do not feel this would have been possible without the valuable knowledge I gained at Ƶ.”

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