Music Hall to be animated in Doric as part of Look Again 2019

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Aberdeen’s Music Hall is set to host a digital project which brings popular Doric phrases to life through eye-catching animated motion graphics as part of Look Again 2019, the annual festival of visual art and design.

Glisk, meaning ‘a passing glance’ in Doric, is an interactive project by creative agency, Design and Code which invites the public to submit and vote for their favourite phrases in the local dialect.

As part of the digital piece, Design and Code is working with Look Again’s headline artist and renowned designer, , taking elements from her work into the graphics, which will then be super-sized on the big screen at the Music Hall’s entrance.

The project will explore traditional and contemporary uses of the dialect, bringing together local history and ‘new narratives’, aligned to the theme of this year’s festival.

Colin Leonard, Creative Director at Design and Code, commented: “We merge creativity and technology throughout our work, the floor-to-ceiling screen at the Music Hall gives us an opportunity to experiment with this. It’s also an opportunity to collaborate directly with the public, and display traditional and contemporary uses of our local dialect.

“We’re also excited to be collaborating with Morag Myerscough and Jo Gilbert, we will be taking inspiration from their installation at the Castlegate 'Love at First Sight' for some of the animations. Look Again encourages collaboration, which we feel is one of the main benefits to Aberdeen’s creative scene.”

Look Again Festival is a celebration of the very best contemporary visual art and design, showcasing both local and internationally acclaimed talent in Aberdeen.

Born in 2015 out of a need to celebrate, showcase and support the incredible visual art and artists in the region, Look Again is now part of Gray's School of Art at Ƶ and is firmly established as a year-round presence.

Look Again works with the sector and city partners to cultivate the creative sector in Aberdeen, proving the value of creativity to the city, spotlighting and supporting creative talent emerging from the region, and harnessing national and international connections.

Look Again Co-Director, Hilary Nicoll, commented: “This project really encapsulates what it is we are trying to do at Look Again, shining a light on creative talent in the city and making art accessible for everyone.

“The Doric dialect is well loved in the North-east. It will be great to see it afresh in this colourful contemporary form.”

To submit a Doric phrase and vote on your favourite to be included in the ‘Glisk’ project, please visit – site will go live closer to the festival launch.

More information on Look Again 2019 can be found at .

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