Gray’s postgraduate wins RSA Scholarship and exhibits at MA Showcase Onwards

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Image of Matthew Wells. MA Fine Art postgraduate
A postgraduate student from Gray’s School of Art, who has won a scholarship from The Royal Scottish Academy of Art (RSA) for his MA collection of Fine Art, is exhibiting at Gray’s Postgraduate Showcase ‘Onwards’.

Elgin based, Matthew Wells won the prestigious RSA John Kinross Scholarship for his vibrant collection of Fine Art that explores symbolism and classical art.

Matthew is one of ten artists across the UK to have been selected for the £3000 scholarship and will spend around 6 – 12 weeks next summer in Italy, researching and exploring medieval frescoes.

Matthew’s work is part of the dynamic postgraduate showcase, ‘Onwards’, which is on show at the Look Again Project Space in Aberdeen until Sunday 28 November.

The exhibition includes a dynamic collection of Design and Fine Art MA disciplines including Photography, Animation, Video and Sculptural Installation, Painting and Jewellery.

Mature student, Matthew initially studied an undergraduate degree at Gray’s School of Art in 2001 and is currently a technician at Gordonstoun School in Moray. He returned to study a part-time masters at Gray’s after 14 years and explains his journey;

“Following graduation, I had a young family and, like so many others, began a full-time job to provide, relegating physical painting time to dusk or dawn. Whilst the possibilities of how or what to create were never far from my mind, I had little time to fully work through his ideas. Fast forward 14 years and two more children and my work had developed in a personal manner.”

“I am absolutely delighted to have won the RSA Scholarship and to be showcasing my work at Gray’s postgraduate showcase, 'Onwards'. The tutors at Grays have been really supportive, providing encouragement and making suggestions throughout my studies. It’s fantastic to be part of a physical postgraduate degree show after so long and I’d encourage everyone to come along.”

Course leader, Jon Pengelly from Gray’s School of Art, said; “It is a huge achievement for Matthew winning the renowned RSA scholarship. The award recognises his talent and we are delighted to be displaying his work as part of Gray’s postgraduate showcase, ‘Onwards’.

“All the MA postgraduates have really risen to the challenge over the past couple of years which have, as for so many people, been very difficult. There’s so much talent here in the North East of Scotland and it’s a pleasure to be shining a light on their work and to be hosting the physical MA postgraduate show, 'Onwards'.”

The postgraduate showcase is free and open to the public. The exhibition runs until Sunday 28 November in the Look Again Project Space, St.Andrew Street, Friday to Sunday, 11am - 4pm. To find out more visit:

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