Look Again Mini Reviewer gives thumbs up to Gray’s Degree Show

Thursday 16 June 2022

Look Again Mini Reviewer, Kitty Donovan at Gray's Degree Show
Look Again’s Mini Reviewer, 12-year-old Kitty Donovan from Aberdeen, has given her seal of approval to Gray’s Degree Show, ‘Welcome to the real world’ after reviewing the show.

Since first visiting the Look Again Project Space in 2019, twelve-year-old Kitty has visited several exhibitions and events at the Look Again Project Space. This time, she came to see Gray’s Degree Show, ‘Welcome to the real world’, the first in person end of year degree show at Ƶ in three years.

After visiting the Show, Kitty said: “I really enjoyed coming to see the Degree Show as I love any form of art. I was a bit nervous at first but was so excited to experience the evening and very much appreciated being invited.  The atmosphere was so uplifting, joyful and relaxed and the projects on display were amazing.  You could sense the feeling of togetherness and it felt like a real return to normality, which was fantastic”.

“It was incredible to finally visit the degree show, especially after so long.  The students had obviously put so much effort and care into their work and it was great to see this in person and explore the inspiration behind their projects.”

With 146 students exhibiting at Gray’s Degree Show across Painting, Contemporary Art Practice, Fashion and Textiles, Communication Design, Three-Dimensional Design and Photography there were plenty of projects for Kitty to see.

Kitty Donovan interacts with objects in the gallery
Kitty Donovan looks at art piece installed on the ceiling of a gallery
Kitty Donovan stands in front of Degree Show signage
Kitty Donovan uses interactive features at Degree Show, including phone games

When asked to choose her top three, Kitty said: “My favourite project was Georgia’s bedroom installation in Contemporary Art Practice. I absolutely loved the way she managed to take an everyday concept and make a beautiful and intriguing project out of it. Whilst it was just a regular bedroom within a larger space, it felt an enclosed space – it was so immersive and inclusive!  I got to meet Georgia and we discussed how interactive her project was and how much I had enjoyed experiencing it.

“I also loved Alice Langman’s jewellery. I got to meet Alice too and she explained how she made her pieces using upcycled materials. She told me that she never got rid of things, and that everything had a purpose. It was amazing to see how everyday items were transformed into beautiful jewellery pieces and the way she displayed her jewellery in Kinder Eggs was really fun”.

“The show has inspired me in so many different ways and given me lots of ideas for projects of my own. I am really interested in upcycling and Alice demonstrating this through her art is really cool.

“Another of my favourites was Louise Calder’s Contemporary Art Practice project. Louise asks visitors to write their confessions on balloons which you then placed in tank with a vacuum that made the balloons move around inside.  This allowed you to catch glimpses of other people’s confessions as they bobbed around.  Although this piece was really amusing and fun to participate in, it was also quite moving knowing that some people had written confessions that they had been keeping secret.  I loved that it was anonymous too.”

As to anyone considering visiting the Show, Kitty says: “Even if you don’t have an interest in art, I’d say to come along and have a look. It’s incredible! There is such a variety of work on display and even if some of the concepts are a bit deep and out there, you can still enjoy it. There really is something for everyone. If you are interested in any form of art, you will find something that intrigues and inspires you and if you have no interest in art at all, you should still come along – you will be amazed!”

Look Again co-director, Sally Reaper, said: “When I first met Kitty, I was struck by her love for visual art and by the way she was able to ask really considered questions. Her love of art shone through immediately and over the years Kitty has been able to offer, to the wider public, a young person’s perspective. This has been key to making quite challenging art, at times feel more accessible.

“It feels a real privilege that Kitty has still taken the time to review Gray’s Degree Show, as she was asked back in 2019 if she would. Covid put a stop to that, so we were really excited to welcome her to review this year’s Show. I hope her visit may encourage other young people to visit as we hope to welcome people of all ages to Grays.”

A series of events are taking place as part of the Degree Show this week including an alumni networking event, a reception for those in the creative industry and a range of school workshops for secondary pupils.

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