Future fashion stars shine in Aberdeen city show

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Image shows two fashion students from Gray's School of Art preparing costumes for fashion show
A fashion show, created by students from Gray’s School of Art in collaboration with CityMoves Dance Agency, will take centre stage in Aberdeen’s Anatomy Rooms next week.

This city centre event on Saturday 27 April, will feature two fashion shows, featuring an incredible collection of work from talented Fashion and Textiles students and Graduates in Residence at Gray’s School of Art.

Organisers hope to attract up to 120 people per show and will showcase a sustainable collection of woman’s and men’s ware, designed by students in partnership with Braemar Castle.

Also on show, will be a collection made from dead stock or sample fabrics from Harris Tweed Hebrides, designed by second year students inspired by artefacts found in the National Museum for Scotland. Other second year students will present collections inspired by addiction and escapism.

Other highlights from the fashion show include third year collections influenced by anthropology and different cultures and work that relates to decay, preservation and the different stages of grief.

Organisers, Megan Naysmith and Maya Wilson who are Graduates in Residence at Gray’s School of Art, said: “we are so excited to be hosting Gray’s Fashion Show in the heart of Aberdeen. This is a great way of adding vibrancy to our city centre and there has been a huge amount of work getting ready for the show which has been a year in the planning.

Another student organiser, Eve Sinclair-McNally, said: “ The big idea of this fashion show is to make it sustainable so that it can carry on year on year, and by organising the show ourselves we’ve gained invaluable experience that will help us when we graduate.”


Charlie Hackett, Fashion & Textile lecturer from Gray’s School of Art, said: “The fashion show has been led and fundraised by the Gray’s students themselves and the models cast include a diversity different age groups from around the world who live in Aberdeen and are taking part voluntarily. The show is a testament to the hard work of the students themselves and will showcase the amazing talent we have at Gray’s School of Art. I’d encourage members of the public to come along to see for themselves what’s on show!”

Hayley Durward, CEO said: “Citymoves are delighted to host Gray’s Fashion show this year in our dance studio at the Anatomy Rooms. We continue to widen the use of our spaces to events that contribute to the cultural sustainability and vibrancy of Aberdeen city centre.”

The hair, makeup, and DJ are all being done on a voluntary basis along with more students across fashion and textiles volunteering to be dressers and helpers.

The collections on show will also feature in the upcoming Gray’s Degree Show which opens to the public on 8 June.

There will be two showings of the fashion show on Saturday 27 April, an early show at 6.30pm and a later show at 7.30pm.

Visit  to buy a ticket and for more information.

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