Funding for Research Projects

Research Projects

Funding for Research Projects

Read through our resources and guidance to help you identify funding opportunities and how to apply for funding.

Identifying Funding Opportunities

When looking for funding opportunities, Research Professional is an excellent source of information. The site is the gateway to a massive resource of UK and international funding opportunities as well as useful news and policy relating to research. To access the portal, you will need to set up an account and then create email alerts based on your area(s) of interest.  For help with either account set up or creating email alerts, contact us at research@rgu.ac.uk.

Applying for Funding

1. Identify Opportunity

  • Use to identify suitable funding opportunities
  • Read the funder's guidance notes and make sure that your proposal matches the eligibility criteria set by the funder
  • Contact research@rgu.ac.uk to make the Research Strategy and Policy (RSP) team aware of your proposal intention

2. Create a Record on Worktribe


  • proposal title
  • name of call
  • funding body
  • URL link to the call
  • duration (with start and end dates)
  • maximum funding available
  • any Co-Is or external partners (if applicable)

3. Development Costing and Review

  • Complete the Ethics Checklist on Worktribe, as this  will need to be approved before your proposal can be submitted for internal authorisation
  • For staff costs, please make sure that you include percentage time commitment, duration on the proposal and anticipated grades for RAs/RFs
  • If the proposal includes external partners, please send the contact details of their Research Office in your initial contact with the RSP team.

Guidance and Contacts

  • Before submission to the funder all proposals for research must be processed on behalf of the university by the RSP team.
  • Grant proposals must be received by the RSP team at least five working days before the funder’s deadline.
  • On receiving a grant proposal, the RSP team will review the proposal, liaise with the PI and their School regarding budget calculations and proposal content and manage the institutional approval process.
  • The RSP team will also provide online institutional approval for online submissions (when required).
  • When you are notified of the result of a proposal, please inform the RSP Team directly as not all funders notify the institution of a proposal outcome.

For further information, please contact the RSP team: research@rgu.ac.uk

For support using Worktribe please contact worktribe@rgu.ac.uk

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