The Law School Webinar Series

The Law School Webinar Series
Dr Paul Arnell, Reader in Law at The Law School, writes about the success of the school's webinar series, which has attracted around 1000 alumni, students, staff and members of the public to register and take part.

UK immigration policy and land ownership in Scotland, assisted dying and US extradition requests, charity regulation and Brexit-related litigation, hate crime legislation and citizenship deprivation. These are the eclectic mix of subjects that have been discussed in the course of Law School webinars. The events entail ‘in conversation’ sessions with Law School staff on their research and scholarship interests. Facilitated by the University’s Alumni Office, with the kind assistance of Heather Wardrope, they have become increasingly popular and impactful.

The webinars serve several complimentary purposes. They effectively publicise the Law School’s research. The series has attracted around 1000 alumni, students, staff and members of the public to register and take part. They also serve a developmental purpose. Speaking about one’s area of interest to a general audience certainly sharpens one’s mind and thinking – as do the varied and often unexpected questions from participants! The webinars also maintain the link between alumni and the Law School and University more widely. They enable the Alumni office to re-connect with former students all over the world. Finally, and perhaps most obviously, they provide insight into topical and important societal issues in Scotland and further afield.

The Law School webinars have also thrown up a few surprising results. Following the event discussing recent extradition cases, for example, I was contacted by an alumnus in Vancouver with insight into the case of Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei executive, as well as the partner and mother of the two young children of Julian Assange!

Next up is a webinar discussing several aspects of the effect of Brexit to-date and whether the UK is finding itself in the ‘promised land’! It takes place on 14 April with myself and Carole Lyons. Details will be circulated shortly.

The autumn series is presently being organised – with four more webinars taking place after the summer. Please do consider attending and pass on notice of the events to your students and friends when they are publicised. It is planned and hoped that they will continue to go from strength to strength. Finally, I welcome any and all comments and ideas and can be contacted on p.arnell@rgu.ac.uk.

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