Help the Hedgehogs this Winter

Hedgehog Web
At ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, we are working towards creating a Hedgehog friendly campus and like lots of us, hedgehogs are now in hibernation and keeping cozy until spring. Some of them will occasionally venture out over the winter though, and there are lots of ways you can help them!

Create a hedgehog friendly garden

If you have a garden or outdoor space, make sure it’s accessible to hedgehogs. A small gap of 13 cm² is plenty room for them to get through, and check for hazards like uncovered drains, pesticides or litter. Providing a shallow dish of water to drink from helps all our local wildlife, and hedgehogs love cat or dog food!

Set up a hedgehog house

If the temperature changes suddenly, hedgehogs will sometimes move to a different hibernation site. Having one ready will help them get settled quickly! Log piles and compost heaps are great locations as they attract insects. A custom hedgehog house is even better to keep them safe from predators – you can build one using or buy one from .

Look out for hedgehogs

Always check thoroughly for hedgehogs before cutting grass or lighting a bonfire, and watch out for them on the roads! If you do find an injured hedgehog, please follow the steps below to help.

When to help a hedgehog

If you see a hedgehog at this time of year, it will likely be moving quickly to find a new hibernation site. If you see one moving slowly or ‘sunbathing’, it may be hypothermic or injured and need help. Hedgehogs usually have their babies (called hoglets!) in summer but sometimes have a second litter in autumn, which can then struggle to gain enough weight in time to hibernate.

How to help a hedgehog

If you see any of the signs that a hedgehog needs help - such as if it appears lethargic, injured, trapped or wobbly -  use gardening gloves or a folded towel to gently pick it up, place in a high sided box and bring indoors. Add a hot water bottle and towels to keep the hedgehog warm, making sure it has enough room to move away from the hot water bottle if it gets too hot. Offer the hedgehog a small amount of cat or dog food and water, then leave it in a quiet spot. Call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 for next steps.

Join ºìÐÓÊÓƵ’s Hedgehog Heroes

If you’re interested in learning more about hedgehogs and helping them to thrive on campus, please join or email Cursty Mackin for information on upcoming events.

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