Person on electric bike

The power of cycling: A testimonial from ºìÐÓÊÓƵ staff

By Manas Disoriya - 23 May 2023

To celebrate Bike Week 2023, from 5th - 11th June, we are sharing the remarkable journey of one of our staff members, Cheryl Clarke, whose story is a testament to the transformative power of cycling and the boundless possibilities it offers.

In a world where the hustle and bustle of everyday life often consume us, it's easy to forget the simple joys that once filled our hearts with pure happiness. But sometimes, all it takes is a small change, a bold step into the unknown, to reignite that spark and reclaim the sense of freedom we once cherished.

A keen cyclist in the past, Cheryl moved to the vibrant city of Aberdeen 14 years ago, and in September 2022, she acquired an E-bike through the cycle-to-work scheme. She embarked on an 18-mile round trip daily, trading the car ride for an electrifying journey that would invigorate her mind, body, and soul.

It wasn't always an easy path to tread. Initially, she faced several barriers, including concerns about her fitness level, the lack of infrastructure, and the ever-changing Scottish weather. But with each passing day, she discovered that these obstacles were mere illusions, easily overcome by her determination and unwavering belief in the power of cycling.
The worries and stresses that once burdened her gradually dissolved into the crisp morning air, replaced by an overwhelming sense of freedom and childlike bliss. In those moments, she felt alive, as if the weight of adulthood had momentarily lifted, and the world became a playground of endless possibilities.

Through her testimonial, she imparts a message of encouragement and inspiration to all those who remain hesitant to embark on their own cycling adventures. She highlights the impact that cycling, particularly with the aid of an E-bike, can have on our lives. No longer reserved for the elite or the most physically fit, cycling has become accessible to all, transcending age, ability, and circumstance. With an E-bike, she discovered that even the longest distances could be conquered effortlessly. The daily commute to work became a joyful escape from the constraints of traffic, stress, and over-planning. Her bike enabled her to embrace each moment, relishing the journey as much as the destination itself.

She wishes for more people to dare to embark on this exhilarating adventure, cast aside their fears and discover the incredible joy that cycling can bring. She hopes that others will recognise the E-bike as a game-changer, not only for the physically injured or less fit but for anyone seeking an expedited mode of transport that amplifies the fun factor.

Take that leap of faith. Pedal into the unknown. Rediscover the beauty of the world around you. And let cycling transform your life, just as it did for her.

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