Viktoria Louise Cooper

My advice to my younger self: A reflection

By Viktoria Louise Cooper, Architecture (Class of 2023) via Tracy Ewing, Fundraising and Alumni Engagement - 30 January 2024

As I reflect on my journey through university, I find myself confronted with plenty of experiences that have shaped me both personally and professionally. University was not merely about obtaining a degree but unravelling the intricacies of life, friendships and self-discovery.

Embracing independence and growth

University became my grounds for personal development. It was not just about acquiring knowledge; it was about learning to stand up for my decisions, becoming more independent, and embracing the challenges of being in a new country, alone. The journey unfolded as I navigated through the complexities of architecture, a course that demands more than just academic commitment - it requires a holistic engagement with the world. 

The art of balance and imperfection

One of the key realisations was the importance of balance. Not taking everything to heart, avoiding the trap of perfectionism, and understanding that mistakes are part of the learning process became my guiding principles. Perfectionism isn’t a good concept; you need to learn when to stop. 

Confidence amidst uncertainty

In the realm of architecture, where creativity knows no bounds, I discovered the power of confidence in decision-making. You are never wrong if you can explain your choices. Simultaneously, you are never entirely right because there are infinite ways to approach design. This only really set in for me after graduation, when I wasn’t under pressure to create something for other people to judge but rather to show my skills. 

Learning from diverse perspectives

The diverse community at university, including friends, classmates and just generally people at the Scott Sutherland School, became unexpected mentors. I learned that even those I might not get along with could teach me valuable lessons. The art of listening to a smart person talk, absorbing their wisdom, and finding inspiration in unexpected places became an integral part of my educational journey. 

The power of documentation

One crucial piece of advice I would give my past self is to write everything down. As more or less good ideas come and go, documenting them ensures a concrete foundation for future projects. Carrying a pen and sketchbook everywhere became second nature, preventing the loss of those valuable ideas that could easily slip away.

Grades don’t define you

As the spectrum of feedback varied from good to bad, Ds to As, I realised that grades were merely reflections of academic performance, not personal worth. Labels such as overthinker, indecisive, or genius were subjective perspectives that didn't define me. Learning to separate constructive criticism from personal opinion became a vital skill. 

The essence of learning

University is a transformative journey, a collection of experiences that extends beyond the classroom. It's about finding your place, making friends and laying the foundation for a life beyond the academic realm. Amidst the pressure and stress, I discovered that having fun is essential, as university is about more than education. 

Scott Sutherland School of Architecture & Built Environment has left an indelible mark on my professional identity. While some approaches were challenging, I believe that the intense engagement of the faculty stemmed from good intentions. As I step into the professional world, I carry with me the belief that every experience, whether positive or nerve-wrecking, is an opportunity to learn and grow.

University life has sculpted me into a more confident and resilient individual, ready to face the complexities of real life.

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