See, experience and be amazed at the Virtual Degree Show

Virtual Degree Show
Hear all about what you can expect from this year's fully immersive Virtual Degree Show from Dean of Gray's School of Art, Libby Curtis.

I would like to take this opportunity to make you all aware of the plans in place for the Gray’s Degree Show 2020.

It is both a happy and sad occasion, marking a brilliant and innovative departure from our physical show, and yet a sad reminder that we cannot meet as a physical community to celebrate our emergent creative talent.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school, the fantastic team at Look Again and local design agency, Design and Code, have partnered to create a fully immersive Virtual Degree Show in collaboration with the 2020 graduating students.

This new virtual environment showcases the exciting and inspiring projects of our 161 graduating artists and designers across a range of disciplines including painting, contemporary art practice, fashion and textiles, communication design, photography and three-dimensional design.

The Virtual Degree Show will open to the public with a launch event on Friday, 10th July with an opening club night. We invite you to come see and experience the work virtually and be amazed by how resilient this next generation of artists and designers have become.

There is no doubt that this year’s Degree Show is different. It is remarkable in its difference. The Graduates of 2020 have suffered greatly in not having the usual facilities that they imagined they would have to make their final work. They have had to leave their studios and workshops behind and create these in their homes.

This virtual exhibition showcases not only our students’ commitment to their practice, their professionalism, and of course the myriad forms of production, artefact, and ideas; it is in itself a show that celebrates their creative resilience and enterprise in the face of COVID-19.

These students are truly amazing; their fortitude in carrying on and continuing to create and re-create in such challenging conditions is inspiring.  I owe a debt of gratitude to our students and indeed our staff in realising this year’s show.

In collaboration with Look Again and Design and Code we will bring our show to life through curated 3D environments, physical avatars, on-line events and audience interaction.

Please come and see, experience, and be amazed.


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