Erasmus Charter & Policy Statement

Study Abroad

Erasmus Charter & Policy Statement

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. It runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020.

Erasmus is the European Commission's flagship educational programme for Higher Education students, teachers and institutions.

About Erasmus+

Erasmus+ replaces the Erasmus programme which previously provided European funding for higher education. It is a pre-requisite of participation in the programme tha higher education institutions hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). Erasmus+ in the UK is under the authority of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), and is managed by the UK National Agency, a partnership between the British Council and Ecorys UK.

Changing Lives, Opening Minds

Through Erasmus+ institutions can enable their students and staff to pursue stimulating opportunities for learning across Europe, and beyond, both inside and outside the classroom. Participants will gain valuable life-skills and international experience to help them develop personally, professionally and academically. As well as boosting skills and employability for participants, the programme will also aid modernisation in the higher education sector across Europe. Improvements to the quality of teaching and learning across your institution will enhance its reputation and its international standing.

Places are awarded to students and staff on the basis of academic and linguistic ability, enthusiasm and ambassadorial qualities.

Student and Staff Mobility

Student Mobility

Students in Higher Education may spend a study period in another participating country in the framework of agreed arrangements between universities. They generally receive a grant to help offset the 'mobility costs' of studying in another country, such as travel and differences in the cost of living. Their award depends on several elements which vary from country to country.

Full academic recognition for the study period carried out abroad must be ensured before departure, generally by the means of an ECTS Learning Agreement (now used by more than 1000 institutions across Europe).

The programme is open to all higher education students (up to and including doctorate) from a participating country, except for students enrolled in their first year of Higher Education.

Staff Mobility

Financial support is given to higher education teaching staff to spend a short period (8 hours minimum) of fully integrated teaching assignments in a partner University.

This experience has an evident impact not only on the teacher directly involved, but also on students from both home and host University. It could also result in a first step towards further European cooperation.

Financial support is also available to non-academic staff to spend a short period (8 hours minimum) on a training assignment in a partner University. The purpose is to allow the beneficiaries to learn from the experiences and good practices of a partner institution and to improve the skills required for their current job. The main activity is a short stay in the partner institution that may include a short secondment period, job-shadowing scheme, study visit etc.

Student and Staff Mobility are co-funded by the European Union.

Further information on the other activities:

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