Understanding Energy Transition

What are the common myths and misconceptions around energy transition?

Our destination is clear - net zero for the world - but the journey is complex and it's easy to get the wrong idea about where we are and what we need to do. Here are some common myths and misconceptions about the climate emergency, the energy transition, and our journey to net zero.

"It's too late to do anything about the climate"

It's not too late; we can still act. We don't have a choice!

We must protect our planet for future generations and keep 1.5C alive, ensuring global temperatures remain within 1.5C of pre-industrial levels.

The challenges presented by the energy transition are immense, but so are the opportunities.

"Energy transition is too expensive"

Generating electricity through solar and wind already costs less than fossil fuels.

So, energy transition is not only critical for our environment - it also makes sense from an economic perspective.

"Nothing I do will make a difference"

Don’t think you can't do anything about the climate emergency. We all have a crucial role to play in protecting our planet.

The future of energy is regional and local, and we must demand that companies and politicians make sure this change happens - this is about bringing power to the people.

"We need new companies to lead the transition"

The energy transition is not about old versus new, big versus small, or east versus west.

We must all work together to deliver the desired outcome - keeping 1.5C alive and delivering net zero for the world.

"The leading economies must change first"

The energy transition is not about the leading economies changing first and everyone else following.

We all need to change, and sometimes it's easier for smaller or developing economies to change faster - we already see this happening in other sectors, such as 3G to 5G, in one step.

"The government will take care of it"

We know that energy transition is about the smart use of technology, smart thinking, and innovation. But we can't just hope the government will do everything for us.

Ultimately, the energy transition is about behavioural change, and that's the most challenging part - this is about us: our choices, habits, lifestyles, and the planet we want to leave for future generations.


Key points

  • It’s not too late—we must act now to protect our planet for future generations.
  • It’s not too expensive—solar and wind already cost less than fossil fuels.
  • You can make a difference—we all have a crucial role in protecting our planet.
  • We don’t need new companies to lead—old or new, big or small, east or west; there’s room for all on our journey to net zero.
  • Leading economies don’t need to change first—we all need to change, and sometimes smaller economies can change faster.
  • We can’t rely on governments to do everything—alongside technical innovation, energy transition is about behavioural change and how our choices impact our planet’s future.

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