Understanding Energy Transition

What is the data around Energy Transition?

We know what we must do to address the climate emergency. Establishing a sustainable energy system and keeping 1.5C alive are essential for the sustainability of our planet. But how do we ensure the energy transition happens in these crisis-stricken times?

A global consensus, backed by data

There is a wealth of data on the climate emergency and what we must do to mitigate the worst impact of climate change. In fact, we probably have more reports and data than we will ever need!

And as evidenced at the November 2021 "COP 26 United Nations Climate Conference" in Glasgow, there is a global consensus about what we must do to address the climate emergency and the consequences we face if we fail.

Who, why, and when?

So what we should do is no longer in question: delivering net zero and keeping 1.5C alive.

We must now focus on who, why, and when - who's going to do it, how they'll do it, and when it must happen.

Maintaining focus in a turbulent time

Our world has fundamentally changed since the 2021 COP conference.

We're no longer just dealing with the climate crisis - we also have a global health crisis, a cost-of-living crisis, an energy crisis, and a supply chain crisis. And in this turbulent time, we must make difficult decisions about what we prioritise and support.

But if nations focus on short-term fixes instead of long-term aims, keeping 1.5C alive could be at risk; we can't let this happen.

We all have a moral obligation to keep 1.5C alive and ensure we leave a sustainable planet for future generations.


Key points

  • There is a wealth of data on the climate emergency and a global consensus on what we must do to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.
  • Our energy transition challenge is now: who will do it, how will they do it, and when it will happen?
  • In our turbulent, crisis-stricken world, we must focus on our targets and prioritise long-term aims over short-term fixes.
  • Prioritising the short-term puts keeping 1.5C alive at risk - we must ensure this doesn’t happen.

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