Cameron Birnie - BSc (Hons) Computer Network Management and Design

Cameron Birnie
Cameron Birnie who joined through our Degree Link programme with North East Scotland College has overcome adversity to follow his passion and graduate with First Class Honours in Computer Network Management and Design.

Cameron completed his secondary education at Westhill Academy Scotland and will attend a virtual graduation ceremony on August 7 to celebrate his hard work and achievements is one of those who were impacted personally by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“When I contracted COVID-19, it left me extremely unwell to the point that I was unable to carry out any of my work for three weeks. It took a long while till to regain my full strength and work for more than a few hours at a time. By the time I was recovered enough to work I was already far behind in my studies and feared I would be unable to complete it all in time and at a standard that I expect of myself.â€

But Cameron was supported by staff at the university who provided him the resources and help he needed. “With this being such an important year, I was extremely anxious; but the lecturers and staff for my course were very understanding. In particular, my honours project supervisor, Chris McDermott provided much needed guidance in order to modify and tailor my project to account for the new circumstances I found myself working under.â€

Cameron is also grateful for the support he received from the ºìÐÓÊÓƵ Inclusion Centre, a dedicated support service for students which has many years’ experience of helping students with different abilities. “During my time at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ The Inclusion Centre has helped me to both settle into life at university and from there assisted me wherever possible in ensuring that I was able to complete my studies here without being disadvantaged by my anxiety.â€

Cameron has enjoyed his time at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ so much that he has decided to continue his studies at the university. “I have applied and been accepted to pursue a Masters in Cyber Security. After that I hope to then start a career within the networking industry with a focus on security using the knowledge and skills I have gained through my studies.â€

Studying at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ has prepared Cameron for the next step on to the career ladder. “Thanks to ºìÐÓÊÓƵ I have developed an independence to my learning as I was required to undertake research on my own without guidance, I feel like this skill will be invaluable when studying for a Masters due to the increased expectations on the student.â€

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