Chris Sellar - GA BSC (Hons) IT: Management

Chris Sellar
Chris Sellar had always thought university was not an option for him but when offered the chance to take part in a Graduate Apprenticeship in IT management he jumped at the chance.

Despite being diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD during his time at ºìÐÓÊÓƵ he received support from the Inclusion Centre to make sure he successfully completed the programme. 

The 36-year-old from Aberdeen said that working full-time while studying for a degree meant he was able to learn while continuing to support his family.

Chris said the graduate apprenticeship format also tied in with his own learning style and helped to build on the IT experience he gained while working for Aberdeen City Council.

He felt he also grew as a person and the support was in place for him to manage his double diagnosis.

Chris said: “Throughout the course I struggled with being able to absorb the course content and while the learning and assessment style suit, I always struggled with keeping my attention and focus. In December 2021, I was diagnosed with ADHD.

“This is something that, apparently, I’ve had all my life but having suffered from anxiety, it often masked my ADHD traits. Attending ºìÐÓÊÓƵ helped unmasked these and allowed me to get the support and treatment, without this, I’m not sure I would have ever been diagnosed.

“I’m not going to say that my story is unique but when I reflect on my time with ºìÐÓÊÓƵ, it wasn’t only about the course material and content but personally I feel like I grew as part of the experience.

“Being supported for the first time with dyslexia was a huge help and to know that the support was there.â€

Not only did the Inclusion Centre help obtain a diagnose for Chris’s dyslexia, he was also offered support with reading, spelling and punctuation. 

Chris is now working for the James Hutton Institute but will start a new job as a Technical Consultant with a Microsoft partner in 2023. 

He praised the teaching he received through the graduate apprenticeship and felt his entire time on the programme was “an amazing experience.â€

Chris said: “What stand outs for me was the incredible teaching staff and the support that they provided. Throughout every module, there was an open-door policy. I simply had to email or send a message and got the support needed. This could be for help with lab work or to gain a greater understanding of what was expected of us for upcoming assessments.

“I’ve loved the whole experience as a whole and it’s been amazing. There were tough times throughout and a lot of self-doubt but I’m so grateful that I’ve manage to complete the degree and graduate.â€

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